Level 1 Judge Testing Checklist

If you’re a Level 2+ judge, you can certify new judges. This is a comprehensive list for the testing process.

Before you test a judge

Before you attempt testing a new Level 1 judge, make sure to read and understand the official information available about becoming a judge, and about the judge level definitions and requirements. Once you’ve done this, make sure you and the candidate fulfilled this checklist:

  • The candidate read and understood the Basic Rulebook, MTR and JAR.
  • The candidate judged at least two events in the previous six months (preferably with you to mentor and assess them).
  • You interviewed the candidate and you believe they have the amount of knowledge needed to become a judge AND they are fit for the Judge Program (you can find interview points below).
  • The candidate scored 70% or higher on the L1 exam.
  • The candidate agrees to be bound by the Judge Code of Conduct.

Passing a Level 1 Practice test before the actual exam is not required, but highly recommended.

Interview Points

This list should give you an idea about what you should talk about with the candidate during the L1 interview, but you should use your common sense and add new topics if needed.

  • Go over the exam and explain the answers the candidate got wrong, as well as answering any additional questions.
  • Explain the difference between Competitive and Regular RELs, and what is expected from a L1.
  • Make sure that the candidate understands that being a judge is hard work, and that learning and improving is a never-ending process.
  • Ask the candidate why they want to be a judge and make sure it’s for the right reasons.
  • Cover the maintenance requirements, as described on the Official Resources site.

Testing procedures

Once you decided that the candidate is fit for the Judge Program and the Judge Program is fit for them, assuming they passed the exam, follow these steps to update his judge level. Note it is MANDATORY for the certifying judge to follow these steps: