Bestow cards are not auras in your library.

Aura you hungry?” How many times have you walked to your fridge knowing what you wanted right up to the moment you opened the door, and then poof – Blank stare into ham heaven. That’s how some of you will feel when you cast Heliod’s Pilgrim or Boonweaver Giant for the first time after M15 is finally released. You’ll probably be at a tournament sifting through your deck looking for an Eldrazi Conscription when you pass by that Chromanticore you splashed for. “Wow,” you’ll think. “That’s an aura… kinda.” Sure, why not?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. A creature with bestow is not an Aura while it is in your library or even your hand. It becomes an Aura when you cast it by paying its alternate “bestow” cost and have a legal target for it. It remains an Aura until it “falls off” or no longer can legally enchant what it’s attached to. At that point, it returns to being an enchantment creature – just as it is in every other zone in the game. So next time you’re having the pilgrim and giant over for dinner, choose the Feast of the Unicorn and leave the Nighthowler pie for another day.

Today’s Rules Tip written by Daniel Clarke, L1 from Kaneohe, Hawaii

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