How do our values shape our vision and mission? Find out in this special guest post from Charles Featherer!
You Make the Ruling #2: Standard Situations
This edition of You Make the Ruling features face-down rules questions, a tense investigation, and "takesie-backsies"! How would you handle these situations?
Task Mastery
What's important? What's urgent? Find out how to move your events from the Red Zone to the Green Zone by learning a new approach to categorizing tasks!
You Make the Ruling #1: Legacy Systems
Test your knowledge of rules and policy with these real-life scenarios from Eternal Weekend!
Weakened Recollections
NB: Contains thoughts on effective note-taking.
Guest Post: Planning for Failure
What will you do when things start going wrong at your next event? Prepare yourself by reading Chase Culpon's guest post on failure mode and effect analysis!
The Appeal of It All
Did you just get appealed? Here's a practical guide for communicating with your Head Judge about your ruling.
Working on the Training Grounds
Get awesome L2s. Add fantastic mentors. Shake them together.
Exemplary Failure
What happens when we fail?
Communication and Consequences
What's in a word? Following up from last week's post, I explain how communication matters in rulings!