A glimpse into the future...
Tales of Adventure and Investigation at SCG Regionals
My SCG Regionals weekend was full of interesting scenarios! How would you have handled them?
I head judged a Preliminary PTQ this weekend! In this post, I talk about some of my preparations for that event, as well as some observations about the difference between best practices and policies.
Zone Changes
Your growth zone can (and should) change over time. When I wasn't allowed to test for Level 2 on my first try, I had to re-evaluate where I was and where I was going as a judge.
In the Zone
How do we actually evaluate whether our goals are attainable? Learn about the three zones of productivity and find out!
Going Fishing
What should you do when good goals go bad? Here's a three-step process for coping.
Attain-tion to Detail
When setting goals, it's important to ask whether your goal is attainable.
First Post!
I started this blog because I want to share ideas that bear repeating.