GP Metz 2017

This week, we Welcome eight new GP judges to the Fold. Declan Doherty Name: Declan Doherty Level: Level 1 Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland Region: United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: 2000, although my first sanctioned event was the Judgement Pre-Release. L1 Certification Date: 7/15/2012 Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, […]

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Grand Prix Denver 2017

This week, seven new judges will be Welcomed to the Fold in the Mile High City. Tavis Chan Name: Tavis Chan Level: Level 1 Location: Seattle, Washington Region: USA – Northwest Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: 1998? L1 Certification Date: 2/13/2015 Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Drafting! Occupation: Online […]

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Grand Prix São Paulo 2017

Esses juízes se juntarão a nós pela primeira vez neste fim de semana: Renan Hallal Name: Renan Hallal Level: Level 2 Location: Pelotas, Brazil Region: Brazil Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: 2014 L1 Certification Date: 5/8/2015 Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Abzan Why did you become a judge?: Para […]

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Grand Prix Birmingham 2017

This weekend sees the following judges on their first Grand Prix for the first GP Birmingham in over nine years! Alfred Bellinger Name: Alfred Bellinger Level: Level 2 Location: Leicester, United Kingdom Region: United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Francesco Cinelli Name: Francesco Cinelli Level: Level 2 Location: Bologna, Italy Region: Italy and Malta Morgane […]

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Grand Prix Minneapolis 2017

This weekend, we have nine (!) new judges to Welcome to the Fold. It’s our biggest event yet! Michael Bryant Name: Michael Bryant Level: Level 1 Location: Fargo, North Dakota Region: USA – North Caleb Cornelius Name: Caleb Cornelius Level: Level 1 Location: Montevideo, Minnesota Region: USA – North Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: […]

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Grand Prix Kyoto 2017

The following judges are breaking onto the Japanese GP scene this weekend: Toshihisa Mitsunaga Name: Toshihisa Mitsunaga Level: Level 1 Location: Okinawa, Japan Region: Japan Moe Furusawa Name: Moe Furusawa Level: Level 1 Location: Kyoto, Kyoto-shi, Japan Region: Japan Yuji Yoshimura Name: Yuji Yoshimura Level: Level 2 Location: Tachikawa, Japan Region: Japan Satoshi Oishi Name: […]

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Grand Prix Toronto 2017

This weekend in Toronto, Grands Prix get the pleasure of meeting these fine new people: Alex Frank Name: Alex Frank Level: Level 1 Location: London, Ontario Region: Canada Michael Hill Name: Michael Hill Level: Level 2 Location: Toronto, Ontario Region: Canada Paul Holbrook Name: Paul Holbrook Level: Level 2 Location: Syracuse, New York Region: USA […]

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Grand Prix Sydney 2017

Down in Australia, the following judges are busy preparing for their first Grand Prix: Name: Scott Davidson-Bowey Level: Level 1 Region: Australia and New Zealand Name: Jarrod Goodwin Level: Level 1 Location: Melbourne Region: Australia and New Zealand Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: Late 2012 L1 Certification Date: 10/28/2016 Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, […]

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