Highlights from Exemplar Wave 9 – Europe-North

Exemplar Wave #9 has just been released, and we bring you some of the recognitions that have been given out!

To: Håkon Gulbrandsen

To: Håkon Gulbrandsen

From: Patrick Ericsson

From: Patrick Ericsson

Since joining the nordic conference project, you have had things really getting streamlined and handled communication, deadlines and output in a way that got everyone engaged. You went above and beyond what was expected to make sure we really got somewhere. Without you, the project would definitely not be going along in such an incredibly smooth fashion. Thanks for the effort you put in and example you set for others in the region!

Joining projects and making a difference is one way to go above and beyond, and it is clear from Patricks recognition that Håkon has just done that.

To: Jonas Breindahl

To: Jonas Breindahl

 From: Stefan Holebæk

From: Stefan Holebæk

Thank you so much for your help with the conference. There wasn’t much of the physical and logistical work that you were able to help with, since you’re in the opposite end of the country, but having you on the team to bounce ideas off of and brainstorm with really made the whole thing so much easier. You thought of a lot of stuff that neither Ulf nor I hadn’t. Despite being 400km away, you definitely left your mark on the conference. On top of that, your presentation was really great. Good subject and all the info was presented in a nice, easy to understand, manner.

Mini-conferences is now a thing that can get official support (more on that on a later blogpost), and Aalborg in Denmark was the first one we had in the Europe North-region. Though smaller in scale than regular conferences, they still require a lot of logistics and planning and it is clear from Stefans recognition that Jonas provided valuable knowledge and tips to making the conference a success!

To: Antti Koivisto

To: Antti Koivisto

From: Johanna Virtanen

From: Johanna Virtanen

Hey Antti! You’re a solid example of a leader who makes major contributions inside a region, and I want you to know that your work is much appreciated. You run the Judge Nuts project, you run local judge meetups, and lately I’ve heard that you’re also taking on many of the local competitive events as HJ. Thanks for everything you do.

Stepping up and taking responsibility for a local region is very important and Johanna recognices that Antti has done just that, being a role model for other judges in that region and beyond.

Thank you for joining us in learning from some of the exemplary actions of judges in our region! Exemplar Wave #10 is open and closes august 1. If you have any recognitions to give, enter them when the situation arises. If you know of any exemplary actions but can’t give recognitions yourself, please contact your local L2 or L3!

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