Highlights from Exemplar Wave 10 – Europe North

We have a lot of awesome judges in the Europe-North region. Wave 10 of the Exemplar-program has recently been released and we have found some recognitions that we want to highlight.

To: HaiWei Shen

To: HaiWei Shen

From: Patrik Fridland

From: Patrik Fridland

Forward from Richard Brorsson Moreau: HaiWei, during the tournament at GothCon 2017, you really stepped up to help me during my first time judging at a proper tournament. Your excellent mentorship helped me be a better judge and I always felt I could come to you for guidance and advice. The way you balanced giving me advice and support while also being super helpful to so many players at once, always with a relaxed attitude and a smile no matter how stressed we were, really made me feel welcome and happy, too. Amongst all this, you also reminded me to take breaks and helped me get food and drinks, and took time to teach me valuable judge skills. You took me on on your own initiative, and impressed me with your attitude and focus all throughout the day, without compromising the service to the players a single time. An event that could easily have felt overwhelming for me, instead became a pleasant and fun experience. The way you handled everything from mentoring, to judge calls and interactions with the players, set an example for me to emulate and made an impression on me. 

Taking care of fellow judges is important, especially when they are new to a large tournament. HaiWei really made Richards day at the tournament fun and educational, and served as a good example for all judges! Great work HaiWei!

To: Patrick Ericsson

To: Patrick Ericsson

 From: Jacob Malmström

From: Jacob Malmström

You have been trying to start up local judge-meetups on the night before the prerelease for a while now, and for the HOU-prerelease you finally pulled it off. I’m sad that I couldn’t make it but hope that this will evolve into a tradition and that I can attend the next one.

Being host for a local judge-meetup involves a lot of planning, but the rewards for socializing and education are so worth it! Great initiative Patrick and keep it up!

To: Gediminas Usevičius

To: Gediminas Usevičius

From: Valdas Kalvis

From: Valdas Kalvis

Gediminas, you became an L2 judge just a few months ago but your contributions to Lithuanian Magic community are outstanding already: you judged your first PPTQ, took the lead on teaching new group of to-be-judges, and you’re closely cooperating with local stores regarding community issues, event information, player assistance, working with new players and pretty much everything else that’s important. The energy you have is remarkable and enviable, and you also inspire not only our judgelings, but also older judges like me. Thank you for doing so much, and I can only wish you best luck and never ending passion for judging!

Wow, it seems like Gediminas has really taken a lot of responsibility, just look at the feats mentioned above! This is really awesome Gediminas, keep up the good work!

Thank you for joining us in learning from some of the exemplary actions of judges in our region! Exemplar Wave #11 is open and closes november 1st. If you have any recognitions to give, enter them when the situation arises. If you know of any exemplary actions but can’t give recognitions yourself, please contact your local L2 or L3!

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