Rules Lawyer promo card

Hi all!

As you may be aware, the Rules Lawyer promo is available to conference attendees in the first half of the year. But that’s not the only way to get one!

If you organize a local judge meetup (for example, a meeting before the prerelease to discuss new mechanics and cards), I will send you a Rules Lawyer promo for every L1+ participant (who didn’t already receive one)!

What I need from you:

– The date/location of the meeting, as soon as it’s scheduled
– An expected number and names of participants about two weeks before the meeting (so that I have enough time to send the cards). Shipping address is useful too. It’s okay if judge A no-shows but judge B joins the meeting instead.
– A list of every certified judge who actually received the promo, 1-2 days after the meeting is over. This is *required*.

For more info, see this thread in our regional forum.

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