Exemplar Recognitions – It’s all about the point of view

Written by: Patrik Fridland

Written by: Patrik Fridland


The start

During the last regional conference it was jokingly said “and if you take Patrik away from those numbers it looks truly dire.” to showcase how many/few recognitions were written by those that can write them in our region. In all fairness I do find it funny but I also find it a bit sad. So I thought I would take some time and write something about my method, how I approach recognitions and what I see them as.

I would like to start with saying you are not bad for not writing them. Remember that, if you feel you are failing cause you didn’t write them you are most likely on a “feel bad” spiral going straight down.
I try to see them as something positive, something I look forward to, and mostly I look forward to see/hear about the impact it did for the recipient.

The method

This is the easy part. I have a document named “Recognitions” on my drive.

Inside I have a title for each wave, named Wave X when I see someone do something I think might be exemplary I write it down in that document.

I see it as a 3 step process:
Step 1, write short version
Step 2, write long version
Step 3, post them on Judge apps.

At the end of the document I have put down Step 1 and Step 2 from some real recognitions I have written in the past.  


Step 1
Emil Examplesson L1.
Smiling, customer service, diplomatic.

This means I now have a reminder to write the longer version when I have the time. But I also have enough information to remind myself what it was that made me see something I found exemplary.
So instead of trying to remember all I have seen during the last three month when the deadline approach I only need to fill in the blanks.    

Step 2
Emil Examplesson L1

During a FNM last month the WER was down and the players really was starting to get upset that nothing was happening, you really kept your cool explaining to the players what was going on, how you were trying to fix it. This whilst having a smile on your face. Being friendly in a somewhat hostile environment I think deescalates the situation and I find this truly exemplary behavior, and way over what is expected of your level and experience.

I find this method easy to follow, lower any workload/stress associated with them, helps me keep track. But most importantly I write them and I never feel anything more then satisfaction when thinking about them.

How to approach them
I heard someone say “But I didn’t write it cause I don’t know if it’s exemplary”

I can see and understand this point, but I see it in the same way as I do about calling the police if I see something that looks illegal or something that might be.
I call the police and say what I have observed, and they then make the judgement if it’s a crime or not and if they should send a police officer or not.

From my point of view there is a system, that system knows if it falls within the frame of exemplary or not. I only need to see the work that has been done, and with some judgement from my side do a judgement if it could be Exemplary or not.

Let them sort it if you are unsure. In worst case the thing you wrote gets deferred, it can be somewhat disappointing but it’s not the end of the world.   

What they are

An exemplary recognition for me is feedback, not so much the more normal constructive feedback aimed to help someone improve that we so often give to each others as judges. But feedback on the job they did.

For me it’s about showing how I appreciate the job, how it was done and/or how it made me feel, especially in the positive sense.
The time it take me to write a recognition is so low if put against the impact it can do for the recipient.   

So many of us are struggling with low self-esteem and so many of us feel that what we do never is enough, which means that getting to hear from someone else that we did good, even great can at least for me help me cope with my everyday demons.


Telling/letting someone know you find them or the job they did exemplary is much more important than any “Exemplary Recognition” ever can be. And if you feel that you want them to be turned into a Exemplar Recognition and you don’t have any recognitions to hand out yourself. You can always reach out to your Regional Coordinator.
Getting in contact with your RC


Step 1

Wave 14

Jacob L2

Charity, customer service, positive.

John Ericsson L3

L2 Mentoring, delegating, empowering

Maverick L3

Thinking, helps others improve.

Alexander Csanady L1

Self improvement, road.

Lasse C L1

Attitude, open self knowledge


Step 2

Jacob L2

You traveled from one country to another to judge a charity event. and that’s not just it. You nailed it, Judging a charity event and finding the balance between helping the players have a good time, but also maintaining the integrity of it, specially a event like this that had a good price pool but also that the charity element. This for me shows an exemplary behavior and going above what is expected of your judge level. Multiple player have told me how you helped them out and with a kind smile on your face. Thanks Jacob from the bottom of my heart and from the players.  

John Ericsson L3

John I have heard in the passed how good you are, and for the past months I have had the pleasure of seeing it myself.  
During the past few month you have lead the L2 mentoring project in our region.
You have during that period started streamlining it, delegated tasks, empowered members of the project and open up a clearer communication.
I find your leadership style truly amazing and I above all find it exemplary.
keep up the awesome job.

Maverick L3

Whether we are at a GP or talking over the internet, whatever the subjects is or what has happened you are always a voice of reasoning.
You always make me and other think, or at least try to give us the “tools” to think one more step, to help others twist it just so much that it can be seen from another light.
I find that inspiring. It’s not always easy to see more then one perspective and you if someone helps other do just that.   

Alexander Csanady L1
During your road towards L1 you made it clear to all judges around you that you wanted to improve, you ask questions, re ask questions when you got more information and above this you listen to those around you.
Now you are L1 and not only did you not stop your questioning but you put it into next gear, with more questions and more twisting. But most important from my perspective you now started using your knowledge to teach those around you.
Keep this up and the sky is your only limit.

Lasse C L1

During GP Copenhagen I had the pleasure of working the judge booth with you Lasse.
I found your work ethics and customer service amazing. How you enganded with players that came to the booth above a level I expect of a L1 judge in such a big setting. We also had the time for some chats and during these I noticed a huge willingness to improve and to soul search. I find all these attributes truly exemplary.

And I hope to see you around much more in the future.

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