In the Spirit of the Season

Apparently, some people believe I have no sense of humor. Whether I’m funny or not is a matter for debate. But people figure that I’m Azorius and the Azorius have no sense of humor. That makes them 0-for-2 in that sentence alone. The general skepticism that I could be joking actually makes me a good […]

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Nine Paragraphs on Overthinking Triggers

Frontline Medic swings Accompanied by two bears. Arrows of Justice The Medic dies, yes? Indestructible, judge says Overthinking it No-impact triggers Are assumed to have resolved ‘Til shown otherwise Still must resolve, though. If Bomber Corps pings Elder Can’t sac to get land? Opponent has chance. Must have capability To respond with spell Common assumption […]

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Over the past few years, I’m seeing an increasing number of requests for [O] (official) answers, to the point where people are asking them for all kinds of things that don’t really require [O] and it’s a synonym for “correct”. That does a disservice to a ton of great judges out there, who can give […]

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