Reading List

Hey friends!

Welcome back to Bearz Repeating. I’d like to apologize for the brief lapse in content! The posts I’ve been working on have been complex, and I want to make sure I take the time to get them right.

That said, I’ve been failing at my goal and promise of providing some content every week. In an effort to make up for that, I decided to finish up a post that I’ve been thinking about for a while, and whose time in the sun has finally come.

Like many of you, I believe strongly in the power of words. To that end, I read frequently (although not as much as I would like!). I’m especially fortunate to have a wide network of friends who share awesome articles on social media. I often find myself wanting to talk more about these articles — but there’s only so much time in the day. Even so, I think there’s value in sharing some of the posts that have resonated with me most strongly, and that’s the focus of today’s Bearz Repeating.

So without further ado, here are some of the articles I’ve enjoyed recently! They span the gamut from ideas about management to thoughts on your mindset, from ruminations on Standard to reflections on the Judge Program as a whole. I hope you get as much (or more) from them as I have.