The Unwritten

I bet you expected this post to include a follow-up to last week’s tournament report of SCG Regionals. And while that was my original plan, I soon realized that my follow-up post would be fairly complex, and I needed more time to really do it justice. So, that will be coming next week instead.

As a substitute, I’d like to take a moment to talk about some of the future posts I have planned for this blog. And, more importantly, I wanted to get your feedback on which of these topics you would be most interested in reading!

Here are some of the topics I have planned:

  • SCG Regionals Follow-up
  • Alphabet Soup (common abbreviations)
  • Johari Windows (a tool for self-evaluation)
  • Gricean Maxims (communicating effectively)
  • “Reflecting Chaos” (handling yourself in stressful situations)
  • Staffing large events (what it says on the tin)
  • SMART Goals (setting goals, revisited)

Which of these topics seem the most interesting to you? Are there any concepts or stories you’d like to read about that aren’t listed here? Let me know in the comments! And make sure to come back next Wednesday for the exciting conclusion to my report on SCG Regionals!

One thought on “The Unwritten

  1. Of those topics, ranked by my interest from most to least, here’s my list:

    Johari Windows (a tool for self-evaluation)
    “Reflecting Chaos” (handling yourself in stressful situations)
    SCG Regionals Follow-up
    Gricean Maxims (communicating effectively)
    SMART Goals (setting goals, revisited)
    Staffing large events (what it says on the tin)
    Alphabet Soup (common abbreviations)

    The first two are things I know I need to improve on, the latter especially when I get defensive. The follow-up is something that I’m certainly interested in, but I feel as though it would be a fun read rather than an important read. Goals is something I want more time to work on before it gets revisited, otherwise I’d put it higher on my list.

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