L2 Kali Anderson will show you how to go from saying you'll write a review to actually sitting down and write.
L2 Kali Anderson will show you how to go from saying you'll write a review to actually sitting down and write.
Today I'm happy to bring you another guest blog, this time by one Jeff Morrow, on the importance of writing short reviews. Jeff is one of my personal mentors, and I learned a lot of about writing reviews from him.
I was recently asked a question about reviews by a judge that I thought was worth exploring. Unfortunately, I lost the original transcript of the question, but I will paraphrase it: I recently received a review with a lot of critical feedback. Is it okay for me to share the review with judges I will […]
“Haters gonna hate.” I hear this phrase thrown out from time to time. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, Urban Dictionary has this to say: “A phrase that represents ones complete and total disregard of another’s negative comment towards the original person.” The idea is that if someone (a hater) says something […]
While I have plenty to say on the topic of feedback, it’s always nice to get other people involved. This week’s guest is Kali Anderson, an L2 from Roanoke, Virginia, and one of my former coworkers in the StarCityGames machine. She’s now the Assistant Manager of the Organized Play Department there. I reached out to […]
Review forms have 4 ratings you can give in the “Comparison” field: Outstanding, Above Average, Average, and Below Average. I’ll let you in on a secret. This field is largely irrelevant. And yet, sometimes it is all you can see when you get a review, like a giant flashing light with siren, especially if you’ve […]
Last week I posted some basic statistical research on reviews and candidates making L3. One of the biggest problems is that counting raw review numbers doesn’t come close to telling the whole story. While I am the kind of completist megalomaniac that demands quality and quantity, given the binary choice between the two, I much […]
And it’s even harder to get it if you don’t ask. One of the frequent laments of judges is “I don’t get reviewed enough.” This, of course, is only surpassed by “I don’t write enough reviews.” As a community, these two things go hand in hand, since if judges aren’t writing enough reviews it stands […]
I guess it’s that time of year. I’ve seen at least three “New Year’s Resolutions” posts having to do with advancing to Level 3. I don’t have a particular problem with this as a goal. Goals are good. The problem I see is that too many judges have very vague goals pertaining to L3. The […]
As I sit here on my holiday break (no events until 2013!), one of the things I am doing is catching up on writing reviews, and it brings to mind the title question, which a judge asked me recently: How long is too long to wait to write a review? Cursory discussions I’ve had with […]