Grand Prix Sydney 2017

Down in Australia, the following judges are busy preparing for their first Grand Prix:

Scott Davidson-Bowey

  • Name: Scott Davidson-Bowey
  • Level: Level 1
  • Region: Australia and New Zealand

Jarrod Goodwin

  • Name: Jarrod Goodwin
  • Level: Level 1
  • Location: Melbourne
  • Region: Australia and New Zealand
  • Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: Late 2012
  • L1 Certification Date: 10/28/2016
  • Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: The Melbourne legacy crew
  • Random fact about yourself: I’ve played Dredge and Goblins in every format but Extended and Highlander
  • What worries you most about this event?: That I’ll mess up due to my inexperience judging at Comp REL
  • Who is your mentor?: Gareth Pye
  • What is the best part about your local Magic community?: All of the people in it
  • What is your favorite Magic memory?: Winning a game against Tron in Modern, playing Storm, by attacking with 4 Electromancers, because I have no other win-cons left in my deck, and over the course of 4 turns casting both of my Echoing Truths twice each

Lorcan Whitmore

  • Name: Lorcan Whitmore
  • Level: Level 1
  • Location: Ballarat, Victoria
  • Region: Australia and New Zealand
  • Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: November 2013
  • L1 Certification Date: 4/18/2016
  • Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Being a wizard
  • Occupation: Spreadsheet Wrangler
  • Random fact about yourself: I recently stopped hiding my baldness with hair
  • Why did you become a judge?: To help turn our local Judge into a local judge community
  • What excites you most about this event?: Hopefully testing for L2 and learning a stack from a great team of people.
  • What worries you most about this event?: Getting my ducks in a row to test for L2. I’m not even sure why they need me to bring ducks.
  • Who is your mentor?: Daniel Blackbourne, currently our only local L2
  • What is your favorite Magic memory?: Memory Jar