It’s the first double GP weekend of 2018. This means that we have thirteen new judges to Welcome to the Fold!
Seth Arar
- Name: Seth Arar
- Level: Level 1
- Location: New York, New York, United States of America
- Region: USA – Northeast
- Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: I have photographic evidence of my playing Magic in 2008, but I properly learned the rules in 2014.
- L1 Certification Date: December 9, 2017
- Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Magic has so many access points for people – high level play, art curation, collecting, meeting new people, learning intricate rules systems. I love learning about unusual ways people interface with the game.
- Occupation: Student
- Random fact about yourself: I have been to Stanley Kubrick’s house. While there, my sister fell off one of his donkeys.
- Why did you become a judge?: I firmly believe in inclusivity and fostering a caring community for /all/ Magic players. By becoming a judge, I can better do my best to make sure this game is accessible to and encouraging of all! I am also a counselor at a summer camp in New Hampshire. I teach kids there how to play this great game, and I think becoming a judge really strengthened my rules knowledge and helped me to understand where new players come from and what people are trying to get out of Magic.
- What excites you most about this event?: It’s my first GP!
- What worries you most about this event?: It’s my first GP! D: More specifically, besides the normal-human-general-first-big-event-nerves response, I’m worried that I won’t meet my own expectations or somehow generate a bad reputation for myself. I know mistakes happen, and I’m not afraid to make one – though I will do my best not to, of course – but I’m afraid that I’ll handle a mistake poorly and disappoint myself or my peers, whether they be players or other judges. It’s irrational, I know, but hey, it happens!
- What are you hoping to learn at this event?: How to improvise on the spot and adapt to real-world situations.
- Who are your mentors?: The entire NYC Judge Class, and specifically, Nataniel Bael, Russell Deutsch, and Adam Eidelsafy.
- What challenges have you faced or are you facing to become a better judge?: I take on many responsibilities through the different facets of my life, and I think that time management will be a challenge on my path towards my ultimate goal of wearing burgundy. I know that judging can be a consuming venture as well, so finding the right balance may be difficult, especially given that I won’t be able to judge any events during the summertime.
- What is the best part about your local Magic community?: In New York, there is a plethora of playgroups. I can play Modern on Monday, go to Judge Class on Tuesday, Chaos Draft/Cube on Wednesday, play Commander on Thursday, Draft at FNM on Friday, and each one with a different set of people. I love this.
- What is your favorite Magic memory?: During the reign of Shadows Over Innistrad (probably my favorite format in recent memory), some of my friends and I drafted often, and late into the night. On one such occasion, that ended up going until 6 am, we had enough packs to team draft twice, in a row. Somehow, we ended up with 7 people for the second draft (normally, it takes 6 to team draft), and it was decided we’d draw straws to determine who’d sit out. It came down to a friend of mine, Kiyan, and instead of having him miss all the fun, I decided to let him become my second head. So, at 4 am or so, one weekend morning, I sat down in the same chair as him, we switched off each pack, and then played each game separately. I remember that match came down to the last game and it was harrowing making choices together. I think we ended up winning when the game depended on some really tight plays with two cards left in the library.
Benjamin Botts
- Name: Benjamin Botts
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States of America
- Region: USA – Midatlantic
- Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: March 20, 1999
- L1 Certification Date: February 6, 2016
- Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Networking with a variety of personalities within the Judge Program
- Occupation: Buyer/Seller for East Coast Gaming
- Random fact about yourself: I enjoy eating Kit-Kats the best way possible
- Why did you become a judge?: I saw a need for a bridge between the underlying stigma that Players~Judges couldn’t correspond with one another outside of the normalcy that is an Event where we are the arbiters of Rules. Players should feel welcomed and encouraged to interact with their Judges. The relationship doesn’t have to extend beyond the Event Floor ~but~ We as Judges should not hold ourselves above the Players. An organic approach to judging while maintaining a level of customer service/quality that is expected of us will profit a long term growth within the community both on & off the floor.
- What excites you most about this event?: Being able to get out into a GP setting with a wide variety of personalities from all over the Globe. Regional diversity within the Judge program is phenomenal & I look forward to meeting with my teammates & leads.
- What worries you most about this event?: Nothing. I have a low tolerance for being worried about things & my threshold for stress management and conflict resolution kicks into over-drive when I am given a task/s.
- What are you hoping to learn at this event?: A more intimate understanding of large-scale logistics & seeing what both my Team Leads & Show Runners have to offer in that area. Continued honing of my CSR abilities & also learning more names/people within the Judge program. Love me some wide-cast networking!
- Who are your mentors?: Anthony “”Krug”” Hullings, Sean Linkous, Branden Thoma, Erik Aliff, and EDB. The names on this extremely short list are those that I have found limitless patience, understanding, and concrete reasoning when I faced daunting tasks/responsibilities. They are a sound boarding that I am greatly humbled to be able to have access to when need be.
- What challenges have you faced or are you facing to become a better judge?: Continued persistence in recognizing my own self-worth & influence I have within the community. I want to lead by example and that requires being able to acknowledge my weaknesses and refining them into strengths while notating the criticism received along the way.
Finding your Judge Voice is crucial. Doing this has given me a renewed sense of accomplishment within the Judge Program both on and off the floor. - How have you worked to overcome those challenges?: Networking. Find mentors. Find peers. Find the connectivity when you are out of sources within your own studies.
Networking. I cannot stress this enough. Do Skype calls, Discord Chats, DM one another & find continued efforts where you can bolster your progress.
We live in a world where the issue of, “”I can’t find anyone/anything””, is lacking & shows a willingness to not grow. - What is the best part about your local Magic community?: I love receiving high fives, hugs, and salutations whenever I judge an event; whether at my Store or any of the stores within my Regional wheelhouse. I cherish the relationships built and ones just over the horizon.
Willingness to acknowledge others & cheer them on in their achievements is one of the greatest rewards I could possibly ask for.
My LMC is replete with this & I am humbled to be a recipient. - What is your favorite Magic memory?: The next one.
Daniel Clark
- Name: Daniel Clark
- Level: Level 1
- Location: San Jose, California, United States of America
- Region: USA – Southwest
Megan Cook
- Name: Megan Cook
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Pullman, Washington, United States of America
- Region: USA – Northwest
- Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: September 2014
- L1 Certification Date: October 30, 2016
- Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Making more mana
- Occupation: Buyer
- Random fact about yourself: I once ate an entire box of raw cake batter.
- Why did you become a judge?: I really like rules, and I like to follow rules. Therefore, I had to know the rules.
- What excites you most about this event?: I can’t wait to meet other judges and share knowledge. I have only met a few others, being from a rural area. I also really, really want a judge shirt.
- What worries you most about this event?: I am most concerned about learning so much in such a short period of time. As well as figuring out where I’m supposed to be.
- What challenges have you faced or are you facing to become a better judge?: I am working to get to L2, and the depth of rules knowledge needed has been intimidating.
- What is the best part about your local Magic community?: In such a small community, as a judge I get to really know a lot of players and help them connect with others.
Jordan Edwards
- Name: Jordan Edwards
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Olympia, Washington, United States of America
- Region: USA – Northwest
Enrique Manuel Guzmán Mosqueda
- Name: Enrique Manuel Guzmán Mosqueda
- Level: Level 2
- Location: México DF, Mexico
- Region: Hispanic America – North
Doug Halvorsen
- Name: Doug Halvorsen
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Kent, Washington, United States of America
- Region: USA – Northwest
Richard Littrell
- Name: Richard Littrell
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Boise, Idaho, United States of America
- Region: USA – Northwest
Jacob Nickel
- Name: Jacob Nickel
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Corvallis, Oregon, United States of America
- Region: USA – Northwest
Robert Pait
- Name: Robert Pait
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
- Region: USA – Southwest
Raúl Pineda
- Name: Raúl Pineda
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Ciudad de México, Mexico
- Region: Hispanic America – North
Kalen Rafferty
- Name: Kalen Rafferty
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Hilmar, California, United States of America
- Region: USA – Southwest
- Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: 2003 in middle school
- Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Its ability to bridge gaps that would otherwise hinder people from interacting with each other
- Occupation: Real estate office manager
- Random fact about yourself: I am a stax player
- Who are your mentors?: Vicente Davis, Chris O’neal
- What challenges have you faced or are you facing to become a better judge?: The challenges im facing are, knowing the fixes/answers but not being able to communicate them and sound sure and confident while doing so
- How have you worked to overcome those challenges?: Well getting placed in situations where Im put on the spot is helping greatly, also reading posts from other more experienced judges and learning from them is helping even more.
- What is your favorite Magic memory?: At GP Santa Clara while looking at some vendors I met a family (Mother, Son and Daughter) the daughter and son where talking about Commander so I was naturally drawn in, we got talking and i found out the mother wanted to build a deck for the daughter that could wi through “”non violent”” ways. So we got talking about lifegain and mana ramp, towards the end of the conversation the son and daughter asked the mother if they could try a draft cause they have never done one before.
Well earlier that day i was given some free draft vouchers so i gave them to the mother for the kids she thanked me and they went to sign up for the next draft. They found me later and told me they loved it but they lost every round tbey played.
Jonathan Wilson
- Name: Jonathan Wilson
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Sherwood Park, Canada
- Region: Canada
- Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: January 9, 1999
- L1 Certification Date: May 20, 2017
- Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Saturday Night Commander, Mono Red Burn
- Occupation: Physicist, Consultant, Professional Nerd
- Random fact about yourself: I own more telescopes than TVs
- Why did you become a judge?: To help build my community, to develop my knowledge, because I was always the “”go-to”” rules guy in my area.
- What excites you most about this event?: One step closer to gaining L2!
- What worries you most about this event?: Aggressive, loud, or angry players
- What are you hoping to learn at this event?: Focus on IPG and tournament logistics
- Who are your mentors?: In my local community – Jeffrey Orom and Sam Hung. At this event? Don’t know yet.
- What challenges have you faced or are you facing to become a better judge?: Magic is awfully complicated and every day I am learning new things. I feel a sense of intimidation from this that can feel demoralizing.
- How have you worked to overcome those challenges?: Remind myself that I am human and nobody knows everything. I always talk to my mentors about their experiences in this regard.
- What is the best part about your local Magic community?: Modern and Commander almost every day of the week!
- What is your favorite Magic memory?: First time I lost to Capsize many years ago. Turns out Blue is a pretty good colour…