This weekend in Bilbao, we have 2 new judges to Welcome to the fold!
Maria Delgado Rodriguez
- Name: Maria Delgado Rodriguez
- Pronouns She/her/hers
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Fuenlabrada, Spain
- Region: Iberia
- Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: 2008
- L1 Certification Date: December 5, 2018
- Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Commander
- Occupation: Technical Architect
- Random fact about yourself: Crossfit addict
- Why did you become a judge?: Between my friends I’m always the one that learns the rules about a new game (board, cards…) and teach the others, with Magic wasn’t different. Also, I had a talk with a judge in a GP in Barcelona about becoming a judge. I loved the ambient in this event but I didn’t like to play in a competitive environment, so being a judge allows me to enjoy these events in another way.
- What excites you most about this event?: As my first time judging, facing a MF excites me a lot. I think the most exciting thing about this MG will be all the people I will met and the things I will learn.
- What worries you most about this event?: To stay blank. I haven’t act as a judge on my own after certifying. But I will not be alone there so I will ask for help if it happens.
- Who are your mentors?: David Esquinas took me to L1 and now I’m working with Monica Gonzalez about IPG and going further.
- What is your favorite Magic memory?: The first time I won a championship at my local store. It was a modern FNM and I won the last game in turns with all the store looking the game. It was pretty stressful, but I think this stress made me play better.
Beatriz Tarancón Guedán
- Name: Beatriz Tarancón Guedán
- Pronouns She/her/hers
- Level: Level 1
- Location: Soria, Spain
- Region: Iberia
- Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: 1999
- L1 Certification Date: August 18, 2018
- Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Every person I’ve met playing it
- Occupation: Teacher
- Random fact about yourself: I started playing Magic in the PC game Shandalar. I was surprised when I found out that the cards really existed xD
- Why did you become a judge?: I’ve been always the one who answers rule questions in my LGS, so I decided to become a proper judge.
- What excites you most about this event?: I’m looking forward to testing myself.
- What worries you most about this event?: Players not taking me seriously. Ah, and oversleeping xD
- What are you hoping to learn at this event?: How to deal with huge competitive events, how so many judges are coordinated, how a Magic Fest works from the inside.
- Who are your mentors?: Mónica González was my mentor to become lvl 1, but I learnt a lot from Maxim Antipov and Raquel Monleón.
- What challenges have you faced or are you facing to become a better judge?: I’m trying to involve in every project I find interesting. But, most of all, I try to keep Magic alive in my hometown. That’s a full time job
- How have you worked to overcome those challenges?: I’m looking for help and counselling, getting advice from people that has overcome the same problems.
- What is the best part about your local Magic community?: We’re always willing to travel anywhere to have some Magic-styled fun.
- What is your favorite Magic memory?: The Sealed PPTQ I won at Seville Nationals last year.