Final Report: Regional Advocate Elections 2024

The 2024 Regional Advocate election has wrapped! Before we proceed to the formalities, on behalf of the Elections Committee, I’d like to thank each candidate who put their name forward to participate in this process. Whether you were elected or not, you have volunteered to help build the first Judge Program truly by and for your fellow judges. The leadership espoused in your statements will be valuable to your regions and the global community regardless of whether you are appointed to an office today, and your answers to the community’s questions have contributed to the debate in many important areas. We hope to see each of you doing great things in your regions in the coming year.

The Elections Committee has scrutinized the results of this election as furnished by our online voting provider, certified the results, and is pleased to announce the inaugural class of Regional Advocates, presented alphabetically by region name.

Regional Advocates for the 2024-2025 Term

Dom Barrieau

Eastern Provinces

Khailyn Schaefer

Great Lakes

Steven Krysiak


Dave Unni


Sam Duralde

Pacific Northwest

Kris Kleinsteuber

Pacific West

Gary Roland

South Central

Marcos Sanchez


John White


Tobias Vyseri

Western Provinces

Voting Report

The Elections Committee received ballots from 295 voting members, 48% of Judge Foundry’s 618 total voting members. Participation by region is as follows:

Region NameTotal VotersBallots ReceivedPercentage
Canada – Eastern Provinces482552.1%
Canada – Western Provinces331957.6%
USA – Great Lakes712636.6%
USA – Midatlantic642437.5%
USA – Northeast843744.0%
USA – Pacific Northwest532343.4%
USA – Pacific West533260.4%
USA – Plains542342.6%
USA – South Central261246.2%
USA – Southeast653655.4%
USA – Southwest643859.4%

Note: The total number of eligible voters does not add up to the number of members because three users living abroad are not assigned to a Judge Foundry region, and did not contact the Election Committee to select a region.

In every region, the winning candidate received a majority of first place votes, so run-off voting was not required.

Voting Audit Report

We did not identify any voting anomalies requiring investigation. We did not need to take any auditable actions during the voting. The election results and audit reports are available from ElectionBuddy at the following URL:

The official results will remain available from their website for 30 days. Archived results are also available for download here:

We are also happy to provide voters with the following reports for auditing purposes.

Voter Report

The following report shows the list of voters from whom we received ballots. It allows members to confirm that each voter appears on the official voter list, which was previously furnished via JudgeApps forum. For privacy reasons, this report is only available to Judge Foundry members in the following JudgeApps Forum Thread:

There is also a Voter Audit, which contains no personal information, but which does allow you to cross-reference the confirmation code that was emailed to you. This is available from the results page.

Ballot Report

The following report shows each anonymized ballot. They are presented in a random order and cannot be connected to any identifying information. This allows members to confirm that the ballots were counted correctly.

NOTE: This file does NOT follow the same numbering convention as the ballot. On the ballot, you ranked your most preferred candidate as a 1, for first place. In this file, that is reversed. We apologize for any confusion; this is the format used by our election provider.

Sample Questions

To help familiarize our voters with the different types of questions offered by our voting software, we also included a yes/no question, and a proportional representation example. These ballot questions had no official effect, but were included to allow members to see how these questions appear on the ballot, in the results, and in auditing reports.

Our sample yes/no question included a PDF “motion” of the Infraction Procedure Guide. We’re happy to announce that a full 90% of voters chose to vote in favor of this completely meaningless motion.

Our sample proportional representation question allowed members to rank up to 15 sample names (chosen from the list of planewalkers) for 5 vacant positions. It seems that Dack Fayden, Teferi, Jace Beleren, Ugin, and Chandra Nalaar are the group of planeswalkers who most accurately represent the membership of Judge Foundry. A detailed explanation of the counting for this ballot question is included in the official results above, and will help members understand what type of reporting to expect when we choose our first democratically-elected Board of Directors later this year.

Upcoming Elections

Our Board of Directors election is next, and will be taking place at our Annual Meeting. Specific details have not yet been announced, but we’re already preparing to accept nominations for Board members. To help us, we’d appreciate your input on this survey. All questions are optional.