Tobias Vyseri – Candidate for Regional Advocate 2024

Note: This is a candidate page for a Judge Foundry Election. Information on this page is provided by the candidate, and does not represent the opinions or positions of the Elections Committee or of Judge Foundry. For more information about this election, see the schedule and index for the 2024 Regional Advocate Election.

  • Name: Tobias Vyseri
  • Location: Barriere, British Columbia
  • Election: Regional Advocates 2024
  • Running For: Western Provinces RA

Nomination Statement

I’m Tobias Vyseri, I’ve worked more than 100 large events (2day+). I think the most important part of applying for RA is figuring out what the colloquial name of the region will be if you’re elected. For me, it’s Tobitopia.

Anyways, I think no matter who wins we’re gonna be awesome. I saw Chris H is running and he’s pretty great except for his last name which is an unpronounceable mess. Chris is even-keeled and very good at getting along with people.

I also saw that Chevy applied. I would love to live in ChevannaSavannah. Chevy brightens a room with their attitude and makes events feel fun. I also get the impression they would fight to the death for their people.

At this time Sam T hasn’t applied, but if he does, he’s also really charismatic and generally likeable, he’s good at listening and taking critical feedback.

please vote for any of these people, they would be excellent and probably won’t spam you with bird photos. which is 90% of what I’d do if elected.

Anyways, our region has an incredibly high ratio of dedicated judges, I’ve been so impressed with the growth and enthusiasm of the Canadian judges over the past two years and hope to see more growth in this area. The part where we’re failing is new judges. Our new crop of l1s is like, those two grinders I created like two weeks ago. Where are all the new judges at? Anyways, this is what I think Is important. Because if we have more judges we can run more mock tournaments and those are fun af. Ahem ok, back on track, my goal is to be a kind and just leader. I want people to understand that I care about their needs and will do my best to fulfill those. I also want people to understand that bad behavior will not be tolerated, and if members are acting in ways unbefitting of a judge, that corrective actions will be taken. Anyways if you don’t vote for me I’ll still do a bunch of this stuff and support whoever you did vote for because they’re awesome. idk who it is yet but I’m sure they’re awesome.

At the end of your first six months as Regional Advocate, what does “success” look like?

I want more L1s, so I’m going to make an effort to reach out and get aspiring judges staffed at events.
I’d like there to be an in person conference and maybe a regional online conference.
I also want any orphaned judges to get connected to the greater judge community. Be that via conferences or small meetups idk.

What skills/experience do you bring to the role of Regional Advocate?

I travel enough that it’s likely I can talk to many judges in my region in person. I’ve lived through three judge programs and seen strengths and weaknesses of many of them. I’m also one of the few Canadian judges that has worked for almost every continental TO, many of which have repeatedly brought me back for leadership roles.

Describe your plans to recruit and utilize Area Communicators.

I have a good idea who I might reach out to for specific regions, but I’ll do a more general call to see if anyone I might’ve overlooked is interested. I’ll talk to everyone that applies unless there are an insane number of people interested. Ideally I want people who are going to organize gatherings for their local communities and are available to listen if their local judges have issues.

What can you do to distinguish the Western Provinces region from the Eastern Provinces region, and the US regions?

Hmmm this is an odd question and I’m not entirely sure why it’s important that we have a unique identity from the US or the eastern provinces? I think the judge program works better when we are all part of the same thing, not all part of different things. If anything I think my goals are to ensure that all regions are on the same page about the goals of the program.

If you plan to reach out to legacy program judges that have not joined Judge Foundry, how would you approach them?

If they’re not actively judging or have little interest in the program, I don’t see a huge reason why they would want to be part of JF. If they are actively judging I’ll probably try to catch them at an event and ask them individually why they haven’t joined. They may have some legitimately good reasons for not joining and that’s chill. But they may also see value in it, but I won’t know where they’re at until that conversation happens.

The Western Provinces currently has about half as many certified judges as the average region. What, if anything, would you do as RA to close this gap? Why?

I’m already working on making a huge push to get new judges onto events and certify new judges. The last two Vancouver events I made a facebook post looking for interested parties, and got some people each time, I put the uncertified people on the event and as long as they weren’t a disaster (they weren’t) I put an exam in front of them at the end. I’ll follow up with the people that failed last time, and will make an effort to get them on staff again for western events.