Sam Duralde – Candidate for Regional Advocate 2024

Note: This is a candidate page for a Judge Foundry Election. Information on this page is provided by the candidate, and does not represent the opinions or positions of the Elections Committee or of Judge Foundry. For more information about this election, see the schedule and index for the 2024 Regional Advocate Election.

  • Name: Sam Duralde
  • Location: Tacoma, Washington
  • Election: Regional Advocates 2024
  • Running For: Pacific Northwest RA

Nomination Statement

Hey y’all! I’m Sam Duralde, a long time judge from Tacoma Washington. I believe that the Regional Advocate position should fill two important roles in the judge program: they should be the point of first contact for someone to give out to prospective judges, and they should be a vessel for local concerns. To that end I have created the email account that you can email with regional concerns or that you can hand out to prospects.

At the end of your first six months as Regional Advocate, what does “success” look like?

There’s a lot that I need to learn for this position. At the end of six months, success would look like me having a personal relationship with at least two people in the judge community in each of the states of our region, and having an understanding of what their problems and goals are for the region.

What skills/experience do you bring to the role of Regional Advocate?

I’ve been judging since 2015, but I don’t really have strong experiences to draw on for this position. However, the relationships I have built up over my time as a tournament judge include a lot of brilliant people from all over the nation who I will call on to guide me when my knowledge falls short.

Describe your plans to recruit and utilize Area Communicators.

My understanding of the Area Communicators idea is that it is more of a recognition than an appointment; local leaders reveal themselves in their actions and in their relationships to others. I will simply ask the people who stand out as obvious choices to be Area Communicators. As for utilization, I see the Area Communicators as a group to be listened to more than anything else. They seem like the ones who know what their locals need.

What information would you give to a new judge moving into your region to become engaged with the community right away?

Our region is dominated by two landscapes: Seattle and Portland as major metropolitan areas, and the rest of the region tending towards being remote. How does this affect your plans for regional communication and support?