Index: 2024 Regional Advocate Special Election – Western Provinces

This is the index page for the Special Election to fill a vacant seat for the Regional Advocate for the Western Provinces region.



Note: Deadlines are at 11:59 PM, UTC-12, also known as “Anywhere on Earth”, unless a time and timezone is specified. “Anywhere on Earth” means that the window closes only when that date has passed in every timezone on Earth.

  • A preliminary list of eligible voters is available via JudgeApps. See below to check your eligibility and region assignment.
  • Nominations are open today. The deadline to nominate yourself is October 2nd.
  • The deadline to submit a nomination statement is also October 2nd.
  • Nomination statements will be published by October 3rd.
  • Members can submit questions to be asked of all candidates within their region. The Q&A period starts when nominations close and ends October 9th.
  • Questions will be forwarded to candidates at the end of the Q&A period, by October 10th.
  • The last chance to submit answers is October 15th.
  • The final list of eligible voters will be generated on October 18th, at 12:00 Central Daylight Time.
  • Ballots will be emailed to eligible voters on October 19th, at 12:00 Central Daylight Time.
  • Ballots are due on October 20th, at 12:00 Central Daylight Time.
  • Votes will be counted and new RAs announced as soon as possible after voting closes.



Candidates will be added to this list as their nominations are received and their eligibility is verified. When nominations close, these lists will be updated to link to each candidate’s page on this site, containing their nomination statement and answers to voter questions.

Regional Advocate – Western Provinces

  • Chevy Larson