CoriAnn Theroux – Candidate for Regional Advocate 2024

Note: This is a candidate page for a Judge Foundry Election. Information on this page is provided by the candidate, and does not represent the opinions or positions of the Elections Committee or of Judge Foundry. For more information about this election, see the schedule and index for the 2024 Regional Advocate Election.

  • Name: CoriAnn Theroux
  • Location: Hubbard, Iowa
  • Election: Regional Advocates 2024
  • Running For: Plains RA

Nomination Statement

Hello, I am Cori and have been a judge since 2017 and a level 2 since 2018. During Urza’s block, I was introduced to this wonderfully complex game and haven’t looked back. Kitchen table magic will always be my favorite way to enjoy the game, as Magic is about building friendships and community.

To this role, I will bring my enthusiasm for building a team, creating an engaging and positive atmosphere, and running well structured projects. As a project manager with an MBA, I have many tools to offer for building and maintaining roles, while being able to handle tough situations and focus on goals.

As a judge and project manager, I continually seek opportunities to improve my knowledge about team leading and organization through events, workshops, conferences, podcasts, and articles. I have experience in the varied roles of judging each type of format, competitive level, registration, customer service, and coverage.

As a Midwest judge, I understand the challenges we face due to geography, population, and needs. I hope to create a network to overcome these challenges and be able to address these as a community.

At the end of your first six months as Regional Advocate, what does “success” look like?

Success for the first term would be to lay the groundwork by creating communication networks for judges and potential judges to be able to reach out to access the info and people needed, have information packets available to stores for their staff or anyone who inquire about judging and how to start, and a method for concerns to be addressed and advocated for. The first term is about setting up a structure for future terms to be able to grow the role.

What skills/experience do you bring to the role of Regional Advocate?

Along with 7 years of judging experience, I am a project manager by trade. I have experience in developing teams, creating networks, connecting people, and organizing tasks within timelines. Combined with my knowledge of the judge community, its values, and Midwest judging, I believe I would be able to help get the structure and groundwork set for this new role.

Describe your plans to recruit and utilize Area Communicators.

Reach out to judges I know in key areas for recommendations or interest. Create clear communication with their role and responsibilities, along with assistance and guidance. Monthly zoom meetings and emails will allow for issues to be addressed, key information to be shared, and ideas to be discussed.