Khailyn Schaefer – Candidate for Regional Advocate 2024

Note: This is a candidate page for a Judge Foundry Election. Information on this page is provided by the candidate, and does not represent the opinions or positions of the Elections Committee or of Judge Foundry. For more information about this election, see the schedule and index for the 2024 Regional Advocate Election.

  • Name: Khailyn Schaefer
  • Location: Stevens Point, Wisconsin
  • Election: Regional Advocates 2024
  • Running For: Great Lakes RA

Nomination Statement

Greetings everyone!

My name is Khailyn (Ki-lin) Schaefer, and in the MTG/Judge Community, I go by Judge Khailyn or just simply, Khailyn. I am 22 years young, and I am a science educator; I teach high school biology, college-level Anatomy and Physiology, and college-level biology. I currently reside in the Stevens Point/Wausau area, but I will be moving to the Appleton/Green Bay area for work; both of these areas are roughly the middle region of Wisconsin.

I have been an active judge for over two years; I certified as an L1 under Judge Academy back in March of 2022 after participating in multiple mini-conferences under the “Extra Push” Series organized and created by Nathaniel Graham and David Schulz (I even remember a special guest presentation given by Judge Landon (Libby). Along with this series, I worked closely with Ken Andrs, James Skoog, and Rob McKenzie to certify as an L2 six months later (roughly September of 2022). Since then, I have joined and subscribed to Judge Foundry, and I actively participate in rules, policy, and general discussions in their Discord. Of course, I still actively judge at small, medium, and large events.

As a Regional Advocate, my vision is to develop and foster a collaborative network of individuals that not only support their fellow comrades, but do not shy away from initiative, leadership, and achieving goals.

Strengths of Region:
1. Multiple Judge/Player Hot Spots
2. Nerd Rage Gaming (NRG) Series
3. High Density of LGSs
4. High Population of L1s to advance if wanted

Problems I Wish/Hope to Address:
1. Confusion/Conflict between LGSs scheduling competitive events such as RCQs
2, Our regions need for L3s, L4s, and L5s to advance L1s
3. Getting LGSs judges to judge events such as FNMs and RCQs
4. Conferences that discuss customer service, professional communication, and player interactions (All conferences are wonderful, but these aspects of judging are not as focused on, but they are vital to our success and longevity).

At the end of your first six months as Regional Advocate, what does “success” look like?

Just like in the field of Education, I am going to monitor and gauge “success” by referencing the responsibilities/standards of the Regional Advocate position. I am only going to focus on the responsibilities that resonate the most with me, but all responsibilities are pivotal.

1. Provide Public Recognition
2. Raise awareness of issues affecting the region to JF Board
3. Provide information on a judge’s regional involvement for the purpose of the L4/L5 interviews

The reason I chose these three responsibilities is because they can be accomplished through multiple different media platforms. Initially, I immediately thought of Microsoft or Google Forms where Area Communicators can easily publicize and collect information via QR codes or an interactive link. However, upon further reflection, our region could design and maintain a website using WordPress or Google Sites; these are rudimentary ideas, and I am very excited to hear other’s thoughts and conversations.

What skills/experience do you bring to the role of Regional Advocate?

1. Collaboration
I am definitely not the first person to state that effective communication is pivotal in every interaction or situation, especially starting up a new program. However, there is a striking difference between communication and collaboration, and that is delegation. I will delegate and place trust in our region’s leaders to establish and accomplish goals.
2. Organization
I will stay organized by frequently checking communication lanes and utilizing shareable spreadsheets that will keep our region’s leaders on the same page. Without organization or timeliness, goals and ideas will go without progress monitoring, and more importantly, individuals will become discouraged to share and publicize their ideas.
3. I have held multiple leadership roles ranging from a Regional Manager for Culver’s to helping establish and grow a university’s Tutoring-Learning Center by creating and implementing professional development and completing frequent performance evaluations.

Describe your plans to recruit and utilize Area Communicators.

Area Communicators (ACs) will be the backbone to the Regions Program, and without them, there will be little-to-no progress made or goals accomplished. The best type of recruitment is action-based, and I will prove to my ACs that we can accomplish goals of all magnitudes. I will expect my ACs to keep communication lanes open and monitored, and more importantly, I will lean on my ACs to help maintain transparency of ideas and thoughts in the region. I will try and establish ACs in these cities:

Illinois: Rockford, Chicago, Springfield
Indiana: Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Evansville
Michigan: Detroit, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor
Ohio: Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Cleveland
Wisconsin: Green Bay, Madison, Milwaukee, Wausau/Stevens Point

Of course, ACs can be established in other cities, but I want to focus on these cities first-and-foremost because they are heavily populated and receive a lot of communication traffic.

A hypothetical area has more L2s than RCQs, and some are struggling to meet maintenance requirements; several L1s in this area have approached you for help becoming L2. How can you use your influence as RA to help this area?

  1. Hypothetically, there are too many L2s compared to the amount of RCQs available for them to judge.
    1. I know a couple of fellow judges who reside in areas/regions where this is a common issue, and I will contact them to gather feedback and ideas about the problem.
    2. This issue could be solved with more effective communication between LGSs and surrounding judges.
      1. I will work with Area Communicators (ACs) to help LGSs recognize and promote judging-related services more frequently.
      2. I will advocate and collaborate with judges in that specific area to rotate responsibilities or even split compensation for RCQs.
  2. Hypothetically, several L1s have contacted me about advancement towards L2 in this area.
    1. I will utilize my ACs to support these L1s in finding a L2+ mentor in their area.
      1. A couple of L2+ could work together to provide a Study Group/Discord Channel for these aspiring L1s.
      2. L2+ could reduce their compensation to allow LGSs to staff L1s so these L2+ can mentor and monitor progress.