Matthew Fox – Candidate for Regional Advocate 2024

Note: This is a candidate page for a Judge Foundry Election. Information on this page is provided by the candidate, and does not represent the opinions or positions of the Elections Committee or of Judge Foundry. For more information about this election, see the schedule and index for the 2024 Regional Advocate Election.

  • Name: Matthew Fox
  • Location: St. Louis Park, Minnesota
  • Election: Regional Advocates 2024
  • Running For: Plains RA

Nomination Statement

Most judges know me as the redhead in a wheelchair who says “beep beep” in a loud voice at events to get people to clear a path. But if you’ve been involved in judge community activities in the last few years, particularly here in the USA North, Midwest, now Plains region, our paths may have crosses in my roles as conference organizer, Wisconsin State Captain, or, most recently, Community Director (champion) for judge academy. I love taking tough calls as much as any of us, but my first love in judging has always been building and supporting our community(ies). It is in that spirit that I submit my nomination for regional advocate for the Plains region.

There are a number of issues for which I am excited at the chance to work with, and for, you. Organizing conferences throughout our area, taking advantage of online as well as in person resources for community meet ups, making sure that judges who work primarily at local stores are as represented as those who focus on large events, helping to build a mentorship network for judges at all levels, and many others. But these are just my ideas – if elected RA my first priority would be to speak with as many of you as I could in as many different forums as I could, to learn what matters to you and how I can best make that happen. I want to be your voice and your advocate, not just push for my own vision of things. I also hope to use that time to identify others who want to help advocate for and serve this judge region. This is a big job and I certainly can’t do it alone!

Beyond my work in the judge community, I have been a community organizer in one form or another for the last two decades of my professional life. I believe this experience and aptitude, along with my passion for and knowledge of the judge community on many levels makes me a strong candidate for the position of RA of the Plains Region, and I hope I will earn your vote.

At the end of your first six months as Regional Advocate, what does “success” look like?

I believe I answered this in my statement

What skills/experience do you bring to the role of Regional Advocate?

I believe I answered this in my statement

Describe your plans to recruit and utilize Area Communicators.

I believe I answered this in my statement