Steven Krysiak – Candidate for Regional Advocate 2024

Note: This is a candidate page for a Judge Foundry Election. Information on this page is provided by the candidate, and does not represent the opinions or positions of the Elections Committee or of Judge Foundry. For more information about this election, see the schedule and index for the 2024 Regional Advocate Election.

  • Name: Steven Krysiak
  • Location: Middle River, Maryland
  • Election: Regional Advocates 2024
  • Running For: Mid-Atlantic RA

Nomination Statement

Hi, my name is Steven Krysiak. I am a level 3 judge from Maryland and I am nominating myself for Regional Advocate for the Mid-Atlantic region. My goal is to, as the name suggests, be an advocate for this region. We have a spread of excellent judges of every level and I want to be someone who they all can trust to not just hear problems, suggestions, concerns, etc., but also take appropriate action to address them.

At the end of your first six months as Regional Advocate, what does “success” look like?

My primary goal would be to establish a network of communication throughout the region and recruit a good spread of Area Communicators. By 6 months I would hope to be fully settled in, creating lists of issues and concerns to bring to the board, recognizing the achievements of judges in the region, and helping to organize conferences.

What skills/experience do you bring to the role of Regional Advocate?

I believe strengths of mine are communication and conflict management, which should prove useful to establish a communication network, to mediate disputes, and to earn the trust of the judges so they feel comfortable providing me with feedback, concerns, suggestions, etc. that I can help settle or bring to the board to address.

Describe your plans to recruit and utilize Area Communicators.

Generally speaking, my plan would be to reach out to the judges I already know in or around the major cities in the region to get a sense of local involvement of local judges and gauge interest in being Area Communicators. From there I’d have a more in-depth discission/interview with those interested to try to have a set of Area Communicators that are dedicated to their local communities and, as a whole, provide representation for the entire region.

What is something you would advocate to the Judge Foundry Board of Directors to help the Mid-Altantic region specifically?