The following little report is written by Gilbert Hedegaard.
Here is his story about the booth at GP Lyon 2012:
I wasn’t scheduled to be in the judge booth at GP Lyon. The reason I ended up there was because my roommate (Stefan Ladstätter) was the ”Booth Lead”. He had brought questions to it, and I had too. We discussed each other’s questions and talked about the judge booth. This happened Saturday evening, and the booth was scheduled for Sunday. I mentioned I would like to participate, because I like to teach players (and judges) about rules. We didn’t discuss it further, so I met Sunday at 9 o’clock for judging the Legacy side event I was scheduled for.
The Legacy tournament was overstaffed from the beginning, and a judge got moved to a Standard side event. After I had had my lunch, Stefan asked if Í would like to join the Judge Booth, which I accepted. It was my first time participating in the booth and it was really enjoyable. We had life counters (spindown d20’s) and a limited number of life pads as prizes for the players. The first question I asked the player was, ”What’s your opinion on your own rules knowledge?” I got to talk many different players, as well as some judges playing in the tournament. I awarded each player a die for just showing up and answering questions, and they could get the life pad for answering more difficult questions. One lucky player walked away with two dice and a life pad for an answer, close to correct, to the following question:
”You have Reverberate in your graveyard and control Wee Dragonauts. Your opponent has Smite the Monstrous in his graveyard. You cast Spelltwine targeting Reverberate in your graveyard and Smite the Monstrous in your opponent’s graveyard. Wee Dragonauts triggers and resolves. Then Spelltwine resolves. How should you resolve Spelltwine, and do you have to destroy your own Wee Dragonauts?”
Many players had the questions, but nobody could answer it 100% correctly. After we closed the booth, we asked a number of judges the same question. Only a couple got it correct, and I discovered that question is just much tougher than it seems. Can you figure out the answer?
This is getting rather lengthy and I will sign off.
Thanks for the great experience to all the judges and players at the booth that day.
I would love to do it again.
Thanks Gilbert, it really sounds you had fun
Stay tuned the judge booth continues in 2013.
Michael Wiese