Hey there,
the judge booth has made some progress in the last months, and you definitely want to read about it.
First we have the new questions from Journey into Nyx ready to use. Thanks to the following judges, who have submitted one or more question to the booth:
Chris Nowak, René Oberweger
, Sergio Garcia
, Mark Mc Govern
, Niki Lin
and Emilien Wild
Then our wiki page gots an update to match with the project page: http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Judge_Booth
Thanks to Patrick Ericsson for this update.
Pretty cool so far, right?
But here comes the big thing:
So far, you need to print the sheets and the answers and preparing a booth was from that point of view much work. Now, how about having the sheets just online, ready to use with a tablet pc or if you really like a smartphone? (i prefer the first). Yeah, we have this ready, check it out here:

Its simple to use, if you like a bigger image of a card, just click on it. If you like to see the answer, click on answer (the same is true, if you want to hide it again).
Upcoming features will be a starting page, where you can select different sets of questions and the difficulty of the questions and a Chinese version of the questions.
Applause and a big thank you for this work go to Steffen Baumgart.
So stay tuned. And of course, if you want to translate the question into your language, just contact me.
Michael Wiese