Hello World – The Legacy Program

Hello to all the judges around the world to this blog of the Legacy program

The objective of this blog is to inform the changes that will occur to the judge program in the coming months. It will not focus on the whole globe, but on the regions that will not be inside the scope of Judge Academy on October the 1st. There are many changes that are coming and will undoubtedly be a challenge in every way, which is why I prepared a kind of FAQ in which we can see some of the most common questions about this new organization. For sure, many more questions will be coming. Don’t worry, we will have time to talk about all of these things.

Let’s start!

What is the Legacy Program?

The Legacy program will be the program for judges who are not part of Judge Academy, so the region where they live can continue to support them as judges. The Legacy Judge Program will offer, as of October the 1st, a structure for judges living outside the areas covered by Judge Academy.

Why is the Legacy Program necessary?

The judge program is changing, and on October the 1st, Judge Academy will be the company where judges can be certified as such. This is surely the most important change since the program was created, and like every major change, there are many variables to consider. Understanding this, to think that a company like Judge Academy can cover the globe immediately would be quite naive, since a company of this style will face many challenges, not only legal, but also logistical, structural and so forth. For this reason, some regions will not be supported by Judge Academy when they start operating. To overcome this lack of structure, the current PCs decided to create the Legacy Program, and thus provide support to areas not initially covered by Judge Academy.

What is the objective of the Legacy Program?

The Legacy Program has three objectives:

– Maintain a structure where Judge Academy has no scope

– Give tools to judges to keep improving outside of Judge Academy

– Stop existing as soon as possible

Is the Legacy Program going to be a permanent structure?

It is important to understand that the Legacy Program is a transitional organization. That is, once Judge Academy can incorporate all regions of the world into its service, the Legacy Program will no longer be necessary, and therefore cease to exist.

What regions are those that make up the Legacy Program?

All regions that are not part of Judge Academy will be part of the Legacy Program. At the risk of forgetting some of them, they are:

– Latin America

– South East Asia

– Greater China

– Australia and New Zealand

– South Africa and Namibia

– Europe – East (except Greece)

– Russian speaking countries.

Is the Legacy Program competing with Judge Academy?

Not At all, the Program Legacy was born as a necessity and fully supports the changes of Judge Academy. Its function is to maintain a structure to help the judges while Judge Academy expands its services to the rest of the world.

If my country is within the Judge Academy areas, can I choose to continue with the Legacy Program?

No, both programs cannot exist simultaneously in the same region or country, so the judges that after October the 1st will be part of the Legacy Program, will be there just until Judge Academy arrives to their country.

What will be the cost of being part of the Legacy Program?

The Legacy program will be free of charge.

Will the regions incorporated into the Legacy Program have conference support?

Yes. While there are many details to finalize, the conferences held in the countries covered by the Legacy Program will be supported.

Will the regions incorporated in the Legacy Program receive the foils that Judge Academy will send to its members for registration?

No. The foils that Judge Academy will deliver to its members are for the exclusive use of that organization. The Legacy Program has no foil support, except for conferences.

What web platform will be used in the Legacy Program?

JudgeApps will remain online after October the 1st, and will be the platform used by all judges belonging to the Legacy Program. This means that for that same platform they will continue to see their level of judge reflected (now Legacy level), they can continue to take exams, write reviews, etc.

Will there be any type of JCC in this new organization?

Yes, but it will be slightly different from what we are used to so far. If there is an issue with a judge, first of all, the RC in charge of the region, together with the Program Coordinator Legacy will be responsible for seeing each of the complaints received and deciding the action to be taken if necessary.

If the person who received the punishment does not agree with it, they will have the option to appeal to a group of judges who will determine whether or not it is necessary to modify it.

Who will coordinate the Legacy Program?

A few weeks ago, the PCs called for everyone who wanted to coordinate this new project. Adrián Estoup (the author of this article) was chosen to fulfill this role. His objective is to coordinate this new project until its dissolution.

In addition, this is a list of the current RCs who will continue working for their region in the new Program.


Regional Coordinator: Bruna Chiochetta



Regional Coordinator: Carlos Ho



Regional Coordinator: Adrian Estoup



Regional Coordinator: Yuval Tzur



Regional Coordinator: Eugene Bazhenov



Regional Coordinator: Jack Doyle



Regional Coordinator: Mark Brown



Regional Coordinator: Hans Wang



Regional Coordinator: Wearn Chong

This is all for the moment, stay tuned for more updates!