Wave 4 is live!

Wave 4 of Exemplar recognitions, covering Winter 2015, has been released by the Exemplar Program. We’re very proud to see an increasing number of recognitions for our Northeast judges each wave, with over 250 recognitions for Wave 4. You can visit our recognitions page to see everything that was said about the great judges in our region, and visit JudgeApps to get your recognitions in for Wave 5 today!

With the recent breakup of the colossal US-Midwest region, we’re proud to call the Northeast the largest region in the Judge Program! According to the Exemplar Metrics team, we have 516 certified judges in our region, of whom 110 received at least one recognition this wave. That includes 52 first-time nominees, more than any other region worldwide. We also lead the US in participation in Exemplar, with 58% of eligible judges submitting nominations, and place second in reach, with 21% of US-Northeast judges being deemed Exemplary.

Stay tuned over the next few days as we highlight some of our favorite recognitions from this wave, and hopefully you’re already thinking about the next one – Wave 5 is due in just over a month!

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