Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – Paul Baranay

Thirteenth in our 14-part series of exemplary Exemplar recommendations, Paul Baranay is a Level 3 Judge from New York, New York. His recognitions reflect his activity in the region, especially as the L2 Candidacy Coordinator, online, through his blog, Bearz Repeating, and his activity at events.

Click below to read the Exemplar recognitions and the reasons why we're highlighting Paul.

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Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – Mani Cavalieri

Twelfth in our 14-part series on exemplary Exemplar recommendations, Mani Cavalieri is a Level 2 Judge from New York, New York. His recognitions came from Philip Painter, Nicola DiPasquale, Michael Arrowsmith, and Christopher Wendelboe, who spoke about the skill and energy that Mani brings to events.

Click below to read the Exemplar recognitions and the reasons why we're highlighting Mani.

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Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – Megan Linscott

Tenth in our 14-part series on exemplary Exemplar recommendations, Megan Linscott is a Level 2 Judge from Lewiston, Maine. Her recognitions came from Joe Hughto, Christopher Wendelboe, and AJ Kerrigan, who praised her effort to keep learning, and her work at events and on the Mystical Tutor project.

Click below to read the Exemplar recognitions and the reasons why we're highlighting Megan.

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Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – Chase Culpon

Ninth in our 14-part series on exemplary Exemplar recognitions, Chase Culpon is a Level 2 Judge from New York, New York. His recognitions came from Shawn Doherty, Paul Baranay, and Rob Blanckaert, who spoke about Chase's work in organizing judges in New York City and across the Northeast for Preliminary PTQs.

Click below to read the Exemplar recognitions and the reasons why we're highlighting Chase.

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Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – Joe Hughto

Eighth in our 14-part series on exemplary Exemplar recognitions, Joe Hughto is a Level 3 Judge from Northampton, Massachusetts. He has been recognized for his work in Judge Projects, participation in the Northeast region, delivering effective feedback, and work at events.

Click below to read the Exemplar recognitions and the reasons why we're highlighting Joe.

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Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – AJ Kerrigan

Seventh in our 14-part series on exemplary Exemplar recognitions, AJ Kerrigan is a Level 2 Judge from New Jersey and currently attending Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His recognitions came from Nicholas Sabin, Jared Sylva, James Kerr, and James Eveland, who spoke about AJ's growth and performance at events.

Click below to read the Exemplar recognitions and the reasons why we're highlighting AJ.

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Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – Ben Klein

Sixth in our 14-part series of exemplary Exemplar recognitions, Ben Klein is a Level 2 Judge from South Burlington, Vermont. His recognitions came from Chris Richter, Sean Catanese, and Shawn Doherty, who wanted to relay a great story about Ben that they received from a player at Grand Prix Las Vegas.

Click below to read the reasons why we're highlighting Ben.

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Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – Ilan Seid-Green

Fifth in our 14-part series on exemplary Exemplar recognitions, Ilan Seid-Green is a Level 2 Judge and Area Representative from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was recognized by Tom Davis, Christopher Rumore, Adena Chernosky, and Eric Levine, who spoke positively of his performance at events, his presentation at the Northeast Conference, and his skill delivering feedback.

Click below to read the Exemplar recognitions and the reasons why we're highlighting Ilan.

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Exemplar Wave 3 Highlights – Jordan Trundy

Fourth in our 14-part series on exemplary Exemplar recognitions, Jordan Trundy is a Level 1 Judge from Hull, Massachusetts. His recognitions came from Megan Linscott and Ben Eldridge and relate to his activity at recent events across New England.

Click below to read the Exemplar recognitions and the reasons why we're highlighting Jordan.

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