Area Captains

The Northeast is growing at a very fast rate, which is fantastic! However, this does make it difficult for our Regional Coordinator, Megan Linscott, to stay informed about everyone in the region.

To assist with this, we have a system of Area Captains set up. Area Captains are a group of 14 judges who will be helping Megan keep tabs on judges from different geographic areas of the Northeast. Each of these judges will be someone who may reach out to you and see how you are doing. They may also keep Megan posted on what judges in their area are up to.

What’s An Area Captain

The responsibilities of an area captain are as follows:

  1. A Champion for Judges in the Area
    • Is a voice for them to the RC (even though any judge can come to the RC directly)
    • Helps share their platform with other judges.
    • Is welcoming
    • Ensures judges get the support they need
  2. Promotes Social Activities in the Area
    • Ensures that judges stay connected
  3. Is a Feedback Conduit for the Region
    • Collects and provides feedback for applicants of large events
    • Ensures that feedback regarding judges in the area gets to them
  4. Is a Contact Person for PPTQs in the Area
    • Assists with finding staff for local PPTQs as necessary

Without further ado, here is the list of Area Captains!

Joseph Achille
Colton Abrams
Central & Western Massachusetts:
Chris Cahill
Boston Area:
Sean Calvo
New Hampshire & Vermont:
Chris Wendelboe
New Jersey & Delaware:
Charles Featherer
Central & Western New York:
Joseph Steet
Eastern New York:
Andrew Blizzard
NYC & Downstate New York:
Adam Eidelsafy
Long Island, New York:
Jacen Simon
Western Pennsylvania:
Hank Wiest
Central Pennsylvania:
Joshua Hudson
Eastern Pennsylvania:
James Eveland
Rhode Island & Cape Cod:
Alfred Dziewit

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