Hello, intrepid adventurers, and welcome to a new Card of the Month. This time we bring you directly from the most remote borders of the realm a card you may be waiting to play that also presents us one of the new mechanics of Eldraine: Fae of Wishes (below in its frame and alternative art). […]
How not to sleeve your cards
A lot of markings on the back of sleeves are not caused by wear of shuffling but by rough movement when putting a card in a sleeve. This can be prevented easily and allows you to use your sleeves much longer for tournament play! Watch the video to see what to look out for exactly. […]
War of the Spark Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet

Jacob Kriner returns with the War of the Spark Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet!
Magic: The Appealing
Hi, my name is Bernie Hoelschen. I’m a level one judge, and I’ve been playing Magic since about 1994. I have wanted to write articles about aspects of Magic: The Gathering tournaments and judging for some time, and decided that the first topic I would write about would be appeals and the appeals process for […]
Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet

The Customer Service Project is back with a tool to try to make your announcements something players will return for again and again. Our goal is to make our interactions with players more positive, and bring a focus on how the players experience our events. Announcement Guide Leaflet Credits
Welcome to your first GP
Is your first Grand Prix or tournament held at REL (Rule enforcement level) competitive ahead of you? Then this document might just be what you need to read. I want to take the time to welcome you. Many people feel nervous and that these events are very daunting Here are a few tips and tricks […]
Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet

The Customer Service Project is back with a tool to try to make your announcements something players will return for again and again. Our goal is to make our interactions with players more positive, and bring a focus on how the players experience our events. We return to Ravnica, land of guilds and endless cityscape. […]
Magic 2019 Announcement Helper and Leaflet
Jacob Kriner is back with another Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet for Magic 2019, the latest Core Set.
Dominaria Announcement Helper and Leaflet

Jacob Kriner returns with a Prerelease Announcement Helper, plus a printable leaflet for Dominaria.
Card of the Month – Hadana’s Climb
Sultai Energy, or Sultai Constrictor, is a deck that has recently reappeared in Standard. The deck plays different creatures that enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on them, or that can earn them (e.g., ). We add to the mix, and we notice that flipping is definitely feasible. The ability of the gives flying and […]