Introducing the New Set Quizlet project.
This project aims to provide an untimed, consequence-free quiz, for the purpose of understanding the new cards, mechanics, and rules changes that occur at each set release. These “quizlets” differ from the standard judge quizzes in that they are targeted only towards the most recent changes; whereas a standard judge exam might have cards from all of Standard, these quizzes only deal with the new cards.
Today the hard-working people at the New Set Quizlet team are happy to present the Hour of Devastation rules quizlet!
Big thanks to Vicente Davis, Dave Delgado
, Daniel Lee
, and Jeremy Fain
for their work on this, Jeff Morrow
for his proofreading, and Sophie Pagès
and the rest of the French translation team for pulling this off!
You can take the quizlet below or by clicking this link. You can also see previous quizlets on the project’s page on JudgeApps.