The Customer Service Project is back with a tool to try to make your announcements something players will return for again and again. Our goal is to make our interactions with players more positive, and bring a focus on how the players experience our events. Announcement Guide Leaflet Credits
Author: Rob McKenzie
Guía de anuncios de la Presentación de La Guerra de la Chispa
Guía de anuncios de la Presentación de La Guerra de la Chispa
War of the Spark Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet

Jacob Kriner returns with the War of the Spark Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet!
Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet

The Customer Service Project is back with a tool to try to make your announcements something players will return for again and again. Our goal is to make our interactions with players more positive, and bring a focus on how the players experience our events. Announcement Guide Leaflet Credits
Guía de anuncios de la Presentación de La Lealtad de Rávnica
Announcement Guide Leaflet Credits
Guide des annonces d’avant-première de L’Allégeance de Ravnica
Announcement Guide Leaflet Credits
Guia de Anúncios para o pré-Lançamento de Guildas de Ravnica

Announcement Guide Leaflet Credits
Guía de anuncios de la Presentación de Gremios de Rávnica

Announcement Guide Leaflet Credits
Guide des annonces d’avant-première des Guildes de Ravnica

Announcement Guide Leaflet Credits
Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet

The Customer Service Project is back with a tool to try to make your announcements something players will return for again and again. Our goal is to make our interactions with players more positive, and bring a focus on how the players experience our events. We return to Ravnica, land of guilds and endless cityscape. […]