Dustin De Leeuw had very interesting back to back weekends, having judged both GP Barcelona and PT Shadows over Innistrad. In this dual tournament report, he highlights the best parts of the events and shares the notable differences between judging a Pro Tour and a GP.
Judging with Your Spouse: A Tournament Report of Sorts
Erin Leonard shares her unique perspective judging a tournament, explaining what it's like to prepare for and work at an event with your spouse with many thoughtful suggestions!
The Shadows Over Innistrad Experience – A PPTQ Report from 2016-04-17
John White brings us a fun look into a PPTQ he recently judged. An interesting read including many common questions and scenarios you might encounter from the current season of Standard!
Some Tips on the Side – Leading Sides at the SCG Columbus Invitational
Jacob Milicic has a number of great tips for leading side events after leading sides for the first time at the SCG Columbus Invitational. Get some valuable suggestions and read about things to look out when handling such a role!
Prague Eternal (2016 #1)
Zoltán Tóth-Bajnóczi wrote an in-depth account of his experiences judging a 3 day series of eternal tournaments. A rare treat as tournament reports of eternal formats are hard to come by!
SCG Philly – Sunday Sides – Team Lead
Jonah Kellman provides us an excellent report detailing his logistical planning mistakes he made while being Sunday Sides Team Lead at SCG Philly. Read about the lessons he learned from them and how you can avoid the same mistakes!
SCG Indianapolis 3/20/16 – Sunday Sides Team Lead
Despite well-laid plans, Marcos Sanchez ran into some issues while managing the Sunday Side events (including scheduled Challenges and On Demand Events) on Day 2 of the SCG Tour in Indianapolis. Read about the valuable lessons he learned that day, and how you too can benefit from his experiences.
GP Meldrazi – Modern Musings from the Grand Prix Weekend
Alan Peng provides us with another one of his excellent tournament reports, this time from GP Melbourne (or GP Meldrazi as it was also known). Full of anecdotes, there's something for any level of judge to learn from in this report.
MKM Trial Frankfurt (Le&Le Games – 19th March 2016)
(L1) Herman Janssen jumped eagerly at the chance to judge a competitive REL event in Romania, excited to learn as much as he can on his road to Level 2. Read about how his day went and the valuable lessons learned!
GP Washington DC – ODE’s Tech Level-Up
Charles Featherer had an innovative solution to a problem he observed from a prior event, and it definitely made everyone's day better at GP Washington 2016's side events. Read all about it here!