Charlotte Sable writes about the challenges faced when judging in an environment that is different than what you are used to, specifically, the dangers of subconsciously making assumptions and having to adapt to local culture and habits.
Of Star-Crossed Lovers and Evil Giraffes (GP Brussels Nov 13-15 2015)
EJP decided to focus on personal growth over GP Brussels 2015. Read about how he wanted to be able to stay calm and in control when things get chaotic and hectic, and his advice on how you can do exactly that!
Owning Your Mistakes – SCG Open Somerset
Christopher Cahill has a report from a recent Legacy Open, and looks back at some of the situations that occurred, specifically, one where a mistake was made, and the importance of owing up to it.
GP Kobe 2015 – An Introduction to Last Chance Trials in Japan
QJ Wong writes about the Last Chance Trials in a Japanese Grand Prix where he got as close as possible to the center of all the LCT action as the scorekeeper of GP Kobe 2015's LCTs!
Learning by Doing
Paul Zelenski was judging an SCG 5K not too long ago. In this report, he shares with us some interesting scenarios and detailed analysis from the tournament and more!
Swap, Drop, and Roll? A GP Sydney Tournament Report
Paul Johnson was at the front-lines when the world was introduced to the "Sydney Swap" at Grand Prix Sydney 2015. Read about the insights and the advice he has for us when carrying out this new deck swap procedure!
Grand Prix Beijing 2015 – Team Sealed
Fabian Peck was "slightly disappointed nothing exploded" during GP Beijing 2015. Read more about what contributed to such a successful Team Limited event!
GP Lyon 2015 Sunday Team Sealed – Head Judge Report
Théo Cheng faced some interesting challenges as he led a team for the first time while head judging a Team Sealed event! Read about the various language-related issues he had to deal with and the valuable lessons he learned from it.
Loco and the Adventures of the Missing Luggage (GP Sydney 2015)
Sashi Kumar Balakrishnan (or better known as Loco) shares with us his (mis)adventures in Down Under! Read about his experiences at GP Sydney, the 'Sydney Swap' and more!
Polishing Up Deck Check Technique @ San Diego SIQ 2015
Greg Lauro gave the Polish Deck Check technique a try and shares with us his experiences with it, along with some thoughts and things to look out.