Alan Peng provides us with another one of his excellent tournament reports, this time from GP Melbourne (or GP Meldrazi as it was also known). Full of anecdotes, there's something for any level of judge to learn from in this report.
Tag: Alan Peng
I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date! (GP Chiba LCT XO report)

(L2) Alan Peng brings us another report, this time focusing on the trials and tribulations of judging at a foreign Grand Prix. He also looks at issues of communication and team structure at a large event.
GP Shizuoka – First Team Leading Experience

(L2) Alan Peng recounts his experience from leading a team in a Grand Prix for the first time - read about the lessons he learned and what he thinks he could have done better!
PPTQ – Hobbymaster Ellerslie – 06/12/2014 – HJ Report

(L2) Alan Peng shares his experience head judging the first PPTQ in the world at Auckland, New Zealand!
WMCQ #3 in Auckland, New Zealand — Head Judge Report

(L2) Alan Peng teaches us how to encourage your team to give quality feedback over the last WMCQ in New Zealand and shares some interesting scenarios!