Southeast Asia Judges Conference – August 22, 2020: Events Management

Second to the last conference of this series is upon us this Saturday and it’s about time for us to talk about “Events Management”.

Southeast Asia’s Magic Judges proudly brings to you the 4th Saturday of enriching seminars prepared by some of the region’s most experienced presenters – all from the safety of your home. The theme for this week,

August 22: Events Management

You only need to set aside one Saturday to get to attend all the seminars in the theme of your choice. Sessions will be run from 10AM on Saturdays and the sessions would typically last 2-3 hours.

We have the following speakers:

Tournament Organiser’s Perspective on The Process of Staffing Judges by Kel Veen Cheng

Tournament Organiser’s Perspective on The Process of Staffing Judges by Kel Veen Cheng

“Expectations from TOs when selecting judges and what you can do to prepare yourself better to be part of the selection process (timing, compensation, purpose).”

Event Planning 101: Planning for an event and logistics, not in a store. by Kwok Siang Neo

Event Planning 101: Planning for an event and logistics, not in a store. by Kwok Siang Neo

“How to value add your knowledge to assist the TO. Eventlink and The future of tabletop?”

Digital Documents: DMTR and DIPG by Dennis Xiao

Digital Documents: DMTR and DIPG by Dennis Xiao

“Have you participated in a digital event before? Want to know what it is like? Join us for a brief understanding of what digital events are like.”

Our team will be delighted to know that you are on board for our seminars. To sign up, please click this link to access our sign up form.

Please note: Promo Support is for Organizer/Presenters ONLY!

We look forward to seeing you all soon for this seminar series!