Delving Deeper – Update on Blood Moon

Hello everyone,

Blood Moon is a format staple in every format where it’s legal to be played. Conversely, it is a card that confuses many players regarding how it actually interacts with other cards. Surely enough, they’ll be calling for our help to figure things out, JUDGE!

Almost 6 years from today, we published our first Delving Deeper article. Delving Deeper… Blood Sun by Chuanjie Seow, L3 from Singapore. Cj messaged me earlier today and sent us an update on how Blood Moon interacts with a card recently released from Murders at Karlov Manor: Leyline of the Guildpact.

Thanks to Chuanjie Seow for taking the time to update us on this particular interaction and for continuously sharing his knowledge.
That’s it from us. Remember to stay safe and stay awesome.

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