Nathan Long takes a look at the interactions involving Spell Queller in Modern.
From the Judges, to the People
Nathan Long takes a look at the interactions involving Spell Queller in Modern.
Madness returns! L2 Nathan Long explains the updated rules and shares card interactions for Madness.
MRP Columnist L2 Nathan Long returns with a primer on understanding the replacement effect of Anafenza, the Foremost in Modern.
Modern Master Nathan Long provides a card-interaction primer in time for the release of Modern Masters 2015!
If you're an irate prophetic pyromaster planning to siege an outpost, L2 Nathan Long has the rules explanations for utilizing that exiled card on your turn.
L2 Nathan Long provides a Modern primer for split cards old & new.
L2 Nathan Long wraps up his current series on Modern rules interactions with everyone's favorite value-wizard: Snapcaster Mage.
L2 Nathan Long returns with another in-depth article on rules interactions in Modern, this time with Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle.
Continuing his expertise on rules and troublesome cards in Modern, L2 Nathan Long discusses common interactions with Spellskite.
L2 Nathan Long provides a go-to guide for how Blood Moon interacts with nonbasics commonly encountered in Modern.