The following document contains information originally provided by Raven Fox
Bring comfortable Shoes and extra pairs of socks.
Bring a note pad, if you didn’t you can always find something to write on such as a lifepad or even a folded piece of printer paper.
Try to write down something interesting from each round so you can share with other judges and have something to look back on after the event.
Take breaks often, don’t wear yourself out.
Spend a lot of time talking to other judges, they’re good resources – build a strong community.
Watch a lot of matches. Spend a few minutes at a game then walk around. It allows people to know you’re there and feel comfortable with you around.
On breaks, enjoy yourself – talk with people, artist. (make sure to take your shirt off) Don’t be a loner!!!
(for newer judges) Try to head judge side events. It will give you real time experience with other resources around so that it will prepare you for judging at your local shop.
Always try to be doing something, even when you feel like there’s nothing to do. IE, birding, quizzing, cleaning up.
Keep yourself hydrated.
Get a lot of sleep. (don’t play EDH till two in the morning when you have to work at 8:00)