Hello fellow Judges,
The new sheets for the Judge booth are ready to use. So if you would like to run a booth, just contact your Regional Coordinator or me.
Thanks to the following judges for submitting questions for the booth.
Darcy Alemany
Jack Doyle
Jason Flatford
Josh Stansfield
Mike White
Nate Lawrence
Paul Baranay
and special thanks to Emlien Wild, not only for helping in the Judge Booth Project, but also for submitting 24(!) new questions.
Sounds good, right? But that’s not all, with the help of the Japanese Judges Masaya Honda and Yonemura Pao Kaoru
we now have a complete japanese translation of the booth questions. Thats pretty cool, isnt it? I hope to get more translations with the next update
Last but not least, thanks to Joel Krebs, who helped me with this blog by setting up all the technical details necessary hidden in the back.
Happy Judge Boothing
Michael Wiese