Highlights from Exemplar Wave 17 – Europe North

We’re back with a new edition of the Exemplar Highlights. We searched through the newly released Wave 17 of the Exemplar-program and found some recognitions that we want to highlight.

To: Sune Halkjær

To: Sune Halkjær

From: Gilbert Hedegaard

From: Gilbert Hedegaard

Dear Sune Taking over the area captain leadership is no easy task. We’ve already had many discussion, the most of important regarding Exemplar participation in the region. While we don’t know (at the time of writing) whether it has increased or not, keeping open for discussion among the local is very important. That intiative you took in regards to a meeting with a other Area Captains in the region and our RC. You’re keeping communication clear in community. You ability to commmunicate your vision in openness for discuss both between the regional leadership and local judges, is something I find exemplary. Best Regards Gilbert

With the announcement of Area Captains this winter, all the Area Captains and the Regional Coordinator had a meeting at the spring conference. Sune took initiative on his regions behalf, and there was a healthy discussion. Keep up the good work Sune!

To: Pelle Duveblad

To: Pelle Duveblad

 From: John Eriksson

From: John Eriksson

Pelle, this spring you co-organized the Nordic Judge Conference. At the time we started the planning process, you were still a uncertified judge. You had an idea of what a conference is, but no real experience of one, as you had never even been to one. Pairing this all with the fact that you were abroad traveling for most of the planning, I must say I am impressed. The end result was not the best conference ever and yes, mistakes were made. However, you did a lot of work, had some really good ideas and probably learned a lot from it all. This recognition is for standing up and volunteering for something unfamiliar, scary and hard to do. This is for daring. Thank you!

Pelle made a lot of work in making the spring conference happen, and I know took his task as a conference manager very seriously and did the best he could. Thanks for making the spring conference a fun and enjoyable event!

To: Niklas Killander

To: Niklas Killander

From: Linda Johansson

From: Linda Johansson

Hi Niklas! When we were judging together at the convention GothCon I had the most fun I’ve had in a long while as a judge. You engaging in both conversations about rules and life made me feel very welcome at the event. Judging is not only about taking calls but making people, that includes judges, happy and comfortable at an event! You showed this fine skill when talking with players as well, specifically during a semifinal in a competitive tournament which otherwise can be very rigid. That really stood out to me!

GothCon was very much a thing during Exemplar Wave #17, in fact 13 of the 29 recognitions given to Europe North Judges was related to GothCon. If you don’t know, GothCon is happening every easter in Gothenburg and is a convention with a lot of Magic-events, both Competitive and Regular. It’s nice to see that Niklas made others feel comfortable around him and made the events better! Great work Niklas!

Thank you for joining us in learning from some of the exemplary actions of judges in our region! Exemplar Wave #18 is open and closes August 13th. If you have any recognitions to give, enter them when the situation arises. If you know of any exemplary actions but can’t give recognitions yourself, please contact our Regional Coordinator!

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