Northeast Judge Logo Voting Continues

Voting continues for the upcoming sweatshirt!

The results of the vote for the new Northeast logo are in, and wow was it ever close! In fact, it was so close between two of the concepts that we wanted to take it one step further to really find out what the region wants.

We know that final designs don’t always come out the way we imagined based on descriptions and sketches; in fact, they tend to come out way better! Or maybe that’s just this time. We’ve had our lovely graphic designer Terrence Cheung create two beautiful final designs options for each of the concepts, and now that you can really see what you’re choosing between, we’re having one last vote!

The voting system will be very similar to the previous ranked voting system. I know that there was some confusion as to exactly how the voting system worked, so please take a moment to read this more in depth explanation:

There are four designs. This means that you can choose up to four “ranks,” starting with “1st Choice,” and proceeding to “4th Choice.” If you have strong feelings about fewer than four of the designs, you can start with “1st Choice” and when you run out of designs you wish to vote for, you can choose “No Vote” for the rest.
When first tallying the votes, only your first choice will be assessed. However, if the design you chose as your first choice has the lowest number of votes, we will look instead at your second choice, and so on. So after each choice you make, the question you should ask yourself is: if the designs I’ve chosen so far were not options, which of the remaining designs would I want to vote for?

Let’s give some examples. Here are the four options:
Design A Version 1
Design A Version 2
Design B Version 1
Design B Version 2

Example 1: Lindsey really likes Design A. The two versions are fairly similar, and she would be happy with either, although she prefers Version 1. She’s not a huge fan of Design B, but if it were chosen she would definitely prefer Version 2. Here’s how she should vote:
1st Choice: Design A Version 1
2nd Choice: Design A Version 2
3rd Choice: Design B Version 2
4th Choice: Design B Version 1

Example 2: Joe loves Design B, and prefers Version 2. However, if Design A is chosen Joe will not buy any apparel, because he just can’t stand that design. Here’s how Joe should vote:
1st Choice: Design B Version 2
2nd Choice: Design B Version 1
No Vote: Design A Version 1
No Vote: Design A Version 2

Example 3: Jamie likes Design A Version 1, and Design B Version 2, but thinks that the other versions totally ruin the concept, and really doesn’t want either one. Here’s how they should vote:
1st Choice: Design A Version 1
2nd Choice: Design B Version 2
No Vote: Design A Version 2
No Vote: Design B Version 1

Without further ado, the Google Form:

Voting will end just under two weeks, at 11:59PM EST on September 2nd. Please make sure you vote by then. If you change your mind after voting, feel free to resubmit; I will consider only your latest submission.

Please note that the mobile version may not show all possible columns. I recommend voting on a computer to be sure you can see everything properly.
-Ilan Seid-Green

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