The New GPT and You

How do the MTR changes affect my GPTs?: A Quick Primer

Is a judge required for a GPT now that they are Regular Rules Enforcement Level?
Yes. GPTs still requires an L1 or higher judge to be valid.

Can I judge and play in a GPT now that they’re being held at Regular Rules Enforcement Level?
No. GPTs are still Premier events and you should not be playing in one you’re actively judging.

Can I judge a GPT and play in another event at the same time?
Technically, yes, but it’s not a good idea. If you are playing and judging, your focus may be split, and because GPTs are still Premier events with a lot at stake, it’s a good idea to give them your full attention. Discussion on this can be found here.

Do I have to stick to the recommended and minimum round structures and time limits in the MTR?
These guidelines have not changed. As GPTs are still Premier events, you should still use the round structures and at least the minimum, if not the recommended time limits.

Should I use decklists for my GPTs?
According to the MTR, Appendix F, you are no longer required to use decklists at a GPT. You or your TO may wish to use decklists to give your players more practice for the impending GP or an upcoming PPTQ.

Should I use match slips for my GPTs?
You don’t have to, but it’s still a good practice. Match slips will allow you to resolve disputes over point totals more quickly, and giving players a backup source of evidence is good for the health of the tournament, in general.

Should I record penalties at my GPTs?
Penalties are rarely assessed at Regular Rules Enforcement Level. Your main concerns will be DQs for Serious Problems (as outlined in the JAR document), and upgraded penalties for repeated instances of persistent issues. You should input those into WER as normal, and follow up with DQ reports. Otherwise, treat your fixes as outlined in the JAR – address common issues promptly, educate players who show unwanted behaviors, etc.

Do I have to run it at Regular REL?
As stated in Appendix F of the MTR: “Grand Prix Trials can be run at Competitive Rules Enforcement Level if that Grand Prix Trial offer a significant prize (other than the awarded byes to the relevant Grand Prix).”

What formats can a GPT be run as?
The options for a GPT are as follows:

  • Sealed Deck (top 8 may be a booster draft or may continue with the sealed decks used in the swiss rounds of the event, at organizer’s discretion)
  • Standard
  • Modern
  • Legacy (available only when the associated Grand Prix is Legacy)
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