El proyecto de Customer Service está aquí para ayudarte en la presentación inyectando en tus motores. Nuestra meta es lograr un trato más positivo con los jugadores y enfocarnos en su experiencia en nuestros eventos. Dos nuevas mecánicas y la continuación del bloque de Obras Maestras son el enfoque inicial en este lanzamiento. Revisa todos […]
Author: Rob McKenzie
Guide d’annonce et Informations pour les Avant Premières Révolte Aethérique
Le projet Customer Service vous apporte pour votre Avant Première une . Notre objectif est de rendre les interactions avec les joueurs plus positives aet de s’assurer qu’ils ont une excellente expérience de jeu lors de nos évènements. Dans Révolte Aethérique, il y a 2 nouvelles mécaniques, ainsi que la suite d’es Découvertes. Allez voir […]
Guia de Anúncios e Informações do pré-lançamento de Revolta do Éter
O projeto Customer Service está aqui para ajudar o seu pré-lançamento com uma . Nosso objetivo é o de fazer com que as nossas interações com os jogadores sejam mais positivas e tragam o foco para como é a experiencia dos jogadores nos nossos eventos. Nesse lançamento, duas novas mecânicas e continuar a avisar sobre […]
Kaladesh Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet
Jacob Kriner, Cristóbal Vigar Guerrero, and Saverio Palmieri Neto present the Kaladesh Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Start your engines!
Eldritch Moon Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet
Jacob Kriner is back with the Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet for Eldritch Moon, with Spanish translations once again by Cristóbal Vigar Guerrero.
Shadows Over Innistrad Prerelease Announcement Helper and Leaflet
Jacob Kriner returns with another prerelease announcement helper and leaflet, this time for Shadows Over Innistrad. Are you ready for double-faced cards? This guide can help!
Oath of the Gatewatch Announcement Helper and Leaflet
Jacob Kriner is back with printable announcement helper and leaflet documents for the Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease.
Prerelease Tips and Gathering Feedback, Battle for Zendikar Edition
Hey! Let's talk about some of the common things we are doing at prereleases, things you may not do at your prereleases that could improve them, and some Battle for Zendikar specific informatin that will make your prerelease exciting. We also talk about gathering feedback for improving your prerelease experience over time - the goal is to make every event better.