L1 Judges, the Frontliners

Known to many as Store Judges or House Judges, the scope of Level 1 judges largely revolves around a local game store. Since they make up a huge portion of the program, they often serve as the face of the program for their local community.

When Grand Prix Trials have been discontinued, some people have noticed that there had been a decline in L1 judge activity, and though it may seem true for some, there’s a good number of L1 judges still doing great work for their community.

We were able to get in touch with some of them in our region, let’s get to know them a bit better, shall we?

Mark Ian Alloso

Mark Ian Alloso

Name: Mark Ian Alloso
Local Game Store: A3 Bookstore Reis Place, Iloilo City, Philippines
Mentor: Sashi Balakrishnan
L1 Certification Date: January 2015 Friday before Grand Prix Manila

What motivates you as a certified judge?
The main reason is probably my love of the game and I really wanted to learn more not only as a player but also as a certified judge. Gaining this status has opened a lot of opportunities for me to grow with the knowledge of the rules, organizing tournaments and handling the players’ questions and concerns. It is also my objective to get more people to learn and enjoy Magic. Given in this digital age as most of the favorites games are in the electronic platform, I will prove to them that playing a classic tabletop card game is still popular and of course fun.

Most memorable experience as an MTG judge so far?
My most memorable event is probably this year’s Philippine Nationals. It was my biggest and grandest tournament, and being part of the judging team since Day 0 was very overwhelming. Having two different formats within one event was very challenging and I learned a lot of things though it was tiring but enjoyable.

What do you like most about your local MTG community?
Most of the Iloilo players are very competitive in big tournaments and we make sure to prepare enough for an upcoming event. We do our playtesting sessions mainly after work, up until late in the evening, and during the weekly tournaments. Almost all of my travel buddies here have already earned a high finish in a major tournament or at least have gained a Pro point.

Message for aspiring judges/inactive judges:
Yes, it is fun to be a Magic judge. You should be wary and observant on a lot of things especially on the correct rulings and penalties on competitive REL. This is a continuing learning process for me, which I really like. Please do join us and become part of the Magic Judge program.

Yopi Effendi

Yopi Effendi

Name:Yopi Effendi
Local Game Store: Orange Hobbies & Games, Tangerang, Indonesia
Mentor: Maykel and Wendra Kamadjaja
L1 Certification Date: i think….2010 (Rise of the Eldrazi)

What motivates you as a certified judge?
Back to 2010, we used to have 3 judges (not me) and they decided to retire. So my friend and I took the test and we passed… well I guess somebody had to take care of the boys here hahaha

Most memorable experience as an mtg judge so far?
The truth is our last nationals hahaha. I judged in GP Singapore 2011 and learned so many things. Especially from our HJ that time, James Mackay. I learned how to work as a team and what should or should not be done at large events, and after that I missed out on many events because of work (that sucks), and this year suddenly I feel like back to the floor again hahaha. With my experienced from the GP, I hope I can do things right and not become a disappointment hahaha. And i do have fun. Thanks to Wendra and Maykel for giving me the opportunity.

What do you like most about your local MTG community?
As you know the MTG community is all about friendship. We do have people come and go, and those that stuck with us become part of our “family” our second home.

Message for aspiring judges/ inactive judges?
Just keep doing good things for community and hang in there… the bigger we grow, the harder we work hahaha

Kelvin Ganesan

Kelvin Ganesan

Name: Kelvin Ganesan
Local Game Store: Brainstorm Games and Tabletop District, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mentor: QJ Wong
L1 Certification Date: 16 April 2017

What motivates you as a certified judge?
I graduated law and practiced as a lawyer. I see judging as a way to put my legal skills that I have learned into the game I love. Kinda of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Most memorable experience as an mtg judge so far?
It may seem a bit materialistic, but my most memorable experience is when I received my first judge foils at the recent Malaysia Judge Conference. For some reason, to me, it signified that I made it. That my goal to be a judge has been reached. I know that as an L1, I still have a very long way to go, and a lot more to learn, but this token, only given to Magic Judges, was one of the best I could receive.

What do you like most about your local MTG community?
That most players treat each other as friends. I just love the fact that I can walk into any LGS here and start talking with the owners or players about the game and it would seem like we have known each other for a long time. We are able to share jokes and talk about Magic with ease.

Message for aspiring judges / inactive judges?
For aspiring judges, I shall borrow the famous tagline and say, just do it. This is what my mentor is constantly telling me and I try to practice. If you succeed, then all is good and you can move on. If you fail, learn from the experience, and then keep trying.

For inactive judges, I would advise to try and maintain constant activity and to take part in the activities in the judging community. This really helps, especially for me, to be motivated or to maintain motivation and interested in judging and taking part in future events.

Kittipat Roontiwa

Kittipat Roontiwa

Name:Kittipat Roontiwa
Local Game Store: Battle Cards Thailand (BCT), Bangkok, Thailand
Mentor: Monsuporn Lauhaphand, Jutamanee Chaiyakam, Boonyakiat Sripongam, Sadabpong Choonpicharn, Shanin Paisalachpong, Nattadate Watcharasiri
L1 Certification Date: April 2018.

What motivates you as a certified judge?
Magic is complicated card game. When I was a player, I found the problem about Magic rules and complex situations that are too difficult to understand. At that time a Judge in the local shop came to the table, he could clearly explain and enlighten me the correct rules. I was surprised how they could knew so much everything about Magic rules. So that inspired me to be a part of them in order to help other players play properly and enjoy playing Magic, including fixing mistakes as fairly as possible.

Most memorable experience as an Magic judge so far?
First time judge in big event, Thailand Nationals 2018, on July 2018. There are 200+ participants in this event with Competitive REL, and I had only 3 months experience at local store judge. This event I have been assigned as floor judge. I felt excited and a bit panic but luckily I had the best team TN judges, they advised and helped me how to judge with confidence. I have learned many things in this event such as End of Round Procedure, infraction and remedy guidelines. More than anything I am proud to be working with other judges. Thank you for all mentors that gave me a great memorable experience in this event.

What do you like most about your local MTG community?
I think my MTG community is great. Most players I know seem to be friendly and welcoming to new players, as they like to see the community grow and enjoy playing Magic to each other no matter level, experience, age, nationality. We are all friends.

Message for aspiring judges/ inactive judges?
If you are already the player that everyone asks questions and you love to answer them. Why not try to become a judge. You will get a great experience more than you expected.

Lisa Wu

Lisa Wu

Name: Lisa Wu
Local Game Store: Usually SGS [Sanctuary Gaming] and JGH [Games Haven (Jurong East)] for convenience, but I do support the other LGS as well!
Mentor: Wei Jia Tjong
L1 Certification Date: Early 2018

What motivates you as a certified judge?
My passion for the game and the allure of friendships built with fellow players and judges within the MTG community.

Most memorable experience as an mtg judge so far?
Definitely the experience of floor judging at GP Singapore and getting to know judges from all over the world!

What do you like most about your local mtg community?
Singapore’s MTG community is pretty warm and close-knit. Players are supportive of each other, their LGS, and judges too 🙂

Message for aspiring judges/ inactive judges?
Keep calm, play on and follow your passion!

If you know an L1 judge doing great things for your community, please tell us more about that amazing frontliner by sending us an email.