A New Judge’s Experience at Malaysia Open 2022

Early this month, September 11, 2022, to be exact. The stage was set for the Malaysia Open at Cards & Hobbies. Standard, was the format for the event. A brand-new Standard is always an exciting one. Dominaria United was just released a few days before the event. Not to mention, four sets just rotated out of the format, specifically Zendikar Rising, Kaldheim, Strixhaven: School of Mages and Dungeons & Dragons Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Overall, A fresh start, a brand-new Standard format.

All the participants looking to secure their spots for the upcoming Regional Championships for Cycle 1, sleeved up their best brew for this brand new Standard format environment. To keep things fair and keep things fun, our colleagues from Malaysia answered the call.

One of them is a relatively new judge. QJ Wong recently had a chat with him for this quick interview.

Folks, I introduce to you Lee Ji Timm

Name: Lee Ji Timm
Local Game Store: Cards & Hobbies /Tabletop District/Classroom Cafe
L1 Certification Date: 5/3/2022

What motivates you as a certified judge?
Ans: I appreciate the complex set of rules that make Magic: the Gathering what it is, as well as helping others to see the beauty in that.

Was Malaysia Open your first multijudge big event as a certified MTG Judge, how was the overall experience?
Ans: Yes, this is my first big event as an L1 judge and overall I felt the experience was very satisfying. Especially thinking back to when I first joined as a player and how judges served the community.

Any memorable personal experience from the event you can share?
Ans: Sharing a KFC meal with a fellow judge on a break time after a hectic morning.

Major takeaway from the event?
Ans: I definitely needed more comfy shoes and brush-up on tournament management skills.

Photo credit: MTG SEA Championship Facebook Page
Your message for aspiring judges/ inactive judges?
Ans: The Magic scene is back in full swing, quite an ideal time to get back into the game or simply learn about the finer intricacies of the game through judging.
If you haven’t registered for our upcoming regional Q4 digital conference, here is the link for it.
SEA Regional Q4 Conference – Step up the Plate

Details for our upcoming End-of-Year conference will be posted soon.

That’s it from us, remember to stay safe and stay awesome.

Is there a particular judge story you’d like to share? or a judge that you’d like us to feature?. Just send us an email and let us know.

Do you have any suggestions, comments, or ideas? Feel free to contact us via mtgsearegion@gmail.com