Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Judges: As Regional Coordinators, the most important part of our jobs is taking care of the judges in our region. This means helping facilitate interaction between judges, travel to in-region events and conferences, and taking advantage of proximity to other judges in order to pool knowledge and help each other grow. For […]
Tag: Regional Coordinator
June Maintenance is LIVE
You’ve been hearing whispers since January. You may have even gotten a preview if you were flagged during Spot Maintenance. Either way, it’s time for our Regional Maintenance! So what does this mean? Below you’ll find the requirements for maintaining your Level 1 and Level 2 certifications. Level 3 Judges in the region will be […]
March Update (Judge Classes!)

Hello, friends! For this month’s blog post, I wanted to have a guest join us all the way from…well…Georgia. Nik Zitomer is our Region’s Education Captain, and he’s got some updates for us on the new Initiatives he’s been working on over the last month. Before we get into that post, I want to give […]
USA-SE Captains

Captains – Who are they and what do they do? Conference Captain – Jacob Smith Our region’s Conference Captain will be the Area Captains’ point of contact for mini-conferences, mock tournaments, or even helping support someone who might be hosting a large Regional Conference for the first time. I will work with them to coordinate […]
2018 Office Hours, Captains, Conferences, and Maintenance

Hey, there’s a lot to talk about today! Before we jump into things, I wanted to give an official “hello” to those of you I have not met! My name is Nicolette Apraez, I am a Level 3 in Georgia, and as of January 1st, I am the new Regional Coordinator of the USA-Southeast Region. […]