Exemplar Highlights – Jeremy Fain and Joseph Sapp

Hey all Christian here with another Highlight! This time we will be taking a look at Jeremy Fains recognition to the kind giant Joe Sapp

Jeremy Fain

Jeremy Fain

 Jeremy started playing during the Zendikar block, more specifically during Worldwake in 2010. Then in 2014 he decided he wanted to affect and contribute to the community in a way that he could not do as a player and decided to get into judging. Since then he has sculpted minds and caw’d some blades which leads us to his exemplar:

“Joseph, while we were at GP Houston, during a particularly frustrating evening, I put my foot in my mouth and said something I hadn’t clearly formed in my head, in a way that came across as insensitive and dismissive. What I found exemplary was how you handled it. You clearly and politely brought to my attention the effect my words had had on you, and it brought things back into perspective for me. I spent the remainder of the event attempting to be more conscious of the effect my words have on people and considering the consequences of thoughtless talking points.

Your level headedness and willingness to buckle down and do what needs to be done (or say what needs to be said) is something we can all learn and benefit from, and for that, I’m nominating you for an Exemplar recognition.”

Joe Sapp

Joe Sapp

 Joe began playing in the Ice Age block but never entered a sanctioned event until Magic 2010. Then in March 2015 he certified with his motivation being community building and being an ambassador to the game he has loved so dearly. He has done contributions in helping people interested in judging reach their goal to L1 and takes great pride in creating an experience to anyone and everyone who plays the game.

We all lose our heads at times and sometimes don’t realize the words coming out of our mouths. Handling these situations in a timely and professional fashion can be a struggle at times and to have a negative experience turn into an enriching learning experience is nothing short of amazing.

Written by: Christian Aguilar

Written by: Christian Aguilar