Exemplar Highlights – John Hornberg and Eliana Rabinowitz

Hey guys Christian here highlighting another one of these fantabulous exemplars! Today we are going to look at John Hornbergs exemplar to Eliana Rabinowitz.

John Hornberg

John Hornberg

Johns interest in magic began in 2000 around the release of Nemesis and taking a break between 2009 and 2011. He certified L1 in July 2015 out of necessity of there not being an L2 in his city since 2013, a desire to be more involved in the local community, as well as wanting to stay connected to the game without playing all the time. In April of 2016 John certified for L2 and keeps his motivation moving forward for judging! John not only contributes to our Exemplar Highlights but he’s also an editor of the sports section for the Bakersfield Californian deciding what the people see in their sports section, so let’s take a look at what he wrote:

“Eliana, your commitment to the judge community is demonstrated by your work with other judges and your efforts in organizing the SoCal judge meetups in the last five months. The work you are putting in to elevate all judges by being willing to bring judge meetups to all corners of Southern California is paying off in the elevated involvement of other judges. Your mentorship has been instrumental to my advancement and growth as a judge. I would never have reached the level I have without your help. I am proud you are my colleague and friend.”

Eliana Rabinowitz

Eliana Rabinowitz

Eliana began her adventures in judging in February of 2015 where she was put to judge an event and then almost immediately was given and passed the L1 test, then in May of that same year she took and passed her L2 test! Since taking over the SoCal meetups she has taken education within these meetups up by having scenarios setup as well as having presentations about a wide variety of aspects involved with judging.

Tackling these gatherings is no simple task as Eliana has taken them throughout SoCal, and making sure that the content is educational and inclusive to the audience that shows up. With that on top of assisting John in his advancement, you can tell that the words he used in this exemplar really show his appreciation to the gatherings for the overall community and the gratitude of the help and motivation he received to level up! Definitely a lot of heart in this one, and something we should all appreciate. 🙂


Written by: Christian Aguilar

Written by: Christian Aguilar